Wondergirl wrote:My beef is that it looks like Kenya re is a dyng horse!!! Should I hold it at 14.50 and be content with the ka-divided, should I sell before it becomes ex-divinded and make a loss of more than 20k or should I buy a few at lets sat 12.00 and then pray that it moves up a bit and just do with getting back my investment???
@Wondergirl - You clearly have no faith in Kenya-Re. Why would you want to buy some more shares? Is there a better counter you can put your money in, where you have more hope than Kenya-Re? Take your money there. If you make a profit of
100,000/= and a loss of
20,000/= on Kenya-Re then you still have
By the way, I also bought Kenya-Re (thanks to @guru and other analyst - herd mentality once in a while

) and I'm neither planning to average down nor jump ship - not yet at least. I'll take my (current investing) money elsewhere while at the same time hoping the bull market will push the price back to my buying price at which point I decide if I'll bail - Or I might be holding the stock a bit longer than I'd want to.
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.