This is Samuel, Crack A Business Kenya. Thank you for the mention.
In addition to the standard guides we also undertake custom market research.
From our experience few small businesses conduct market research. Most indeed make business decisions using a gut feeling to . " I think this will work here".
To many if a business does not exist within a certain location, then it will definitely succeed. This ignores such questions as Is it needed? Purchasing habits, Demographics, etc
Thus an entrepreneurs starts an exotic cake shop in say Kiambu , and it fails because of attitudes. Or purchasing habits where consumers think somethings like high end phones are cheaper in Nairobi.
Others use very simple methods to conduct market research. The question " Will you buy ABCD, if I start that kind of shop here?" Often such questions result in positive answers, and when the rubber hits the tarmac things become different..
There are all manner of reasons why small businesses don't conduct market research but include; inaccessibility of market research services and more important lack of skill.
Gradually the situation is changing ; more and more 'small' entrepreneurs are doing market research and professionally so. We are receiving more requests for location specific market research. We are also developing data driven products to help entrepreneurs reluctant or with no time and resources to conduct research to make better decisions.
Things are changing but we got a long way to go.
Samuel Munene
Crack A Business Kenya
www.kenyaknowhow.comKnow the market- Don't invest blindly.