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Safaricom should sue CCK..period.
#1 Posted : Monday, May 03, 2010 5:48:37 PM
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CCK seems to be taking side with other mobile operators to force a market share out of safaricom. i think its an unfair business practice which got me wondering what would happen if safaricom decides to play unfair..

with a wide range of products and a wide market,what if they decided to lock out competition by reducing their call rates,sabotage other networks..i mean they can do it, they have the money,the market and customers like me who would support their efforts. i read the complain on todays Daily nation.. damn!!sue them..its Haki yangu.

as a shareholder, i will protect my investment, CCK must stay out of this and let the underdogs catch up...my company in not an NGO
mlefu attached the following image(s):
safaricom.jpg (4kb) downloaded 1 time(s).
#2 Posted : Monday, May 03, 2010 6:09:49 PM
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@mlefu, pole safariCON has to be tamed. the last time they reduced call rates the network suffered proper. CCK has to make competition worth-while you can't be charging obscene amounts to cross network calls? Kama Microsoft was tamed by Anti-trust suits itakuwa ni SafariCON? btw i am also a share holder but not a customer.
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#3 Posted : Monday, May 03, 2010 9:58:03 PM
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mlefu pole sana. The best safcon can do is throw tantrums then bite the bullet. Uko na shares ngapi mlefu?
#4 Posted : Monday, May 03, 2010 11:12:37 PM
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@ Mlefu

Hehehehe, I like that, sue the regulator for gazetting new regulations! Is the industry regulator breaking the law by those new regulations?

SafCom must be wishing it were in Europe where efforts to rid the industry off such cross-network rip-offs have largely come a cropper. That is where the money is made.
#5 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:17:16 AM
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let the chicks come home 2 roast. its pay back time safcon. the best thing is they are alone in this. doesnt get any better!
#6 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:19:24 AM
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BTW am a shareholder n a customer.
#7 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 7:39:33 AM
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heres how we will do it..
start rewarding MPESA customers....10 nill.
convert bonga points in to credit..like you go to supermarket and buy cabbages ...10 nill
make international calls as cheap as mine....another 10 nill
lower safcom to safcom rates to kindu 4bob..10 million customers..another 5 million in a month..10 nill
price of data down by 2%..on a 4G connection..10 nill.

Telkom strikes,
Pain changes name and all that,
YU ehhh what do you know about you.

like Joseph..why pay the price of being a leader?
#8 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 7:55:52 AM
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I do not think CCK has properly answered the question why Kenyans still stick with Safaricom. Is CCK suggesting Kenyans have a low communal IQ that they have to be protected from themselves?

The competition has not been imaginative on product range and their marketing strategies suck.
#9 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 7:59:16 AM
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@ mlefu safariCon is lucky it is operating in Kenya with maybe non existent anti trust laws. some of its behaviors would have had it hit hard by the concerned authorities in some countries. Microsoft have had to fight tooth and nail to have it remain the monolith it is otherwise the regulators would have broken it into smaller bits by now.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#10 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:02:25 AM
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mlefu wrote:
heres how we will do it..
start rewarding MPESA customers....10 nill.
convert bonga points in to credit..like you go to supermarket and buy cabbages ...10 nill
make international calls as cheap as mine....another 10 nill
lower safcom to safcom rates to kindu 4bob..10 million customers..another 5 million in a month..10 nill
price of data down by 2%..on a 4G connection..10 nill.

Telkom strikes,
Pain changes name and all that,
YU ehhh what do you know about you.

like Joseph..why pay the price of being a leader?

Then the multi billion shillings profits will disappear. They cannot do it.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#11 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:06:23 AM
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Another 10 nil would be to make it possible to convert airtime to cash as and when needed...

The other 3 operators had to 'changa'to put an ad in today's DN to support CCK.
BTW what does 'Equality to Treat' mean? does someone have a link whare I can read the regulations?
#12 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:14:30 AM
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This is sad. The reason why SCOM is ahead of the rest is because they've found a better way of connecting with consumers. I can bet you that only the provider who knows how best to connect with consumers emotionally will challenge SCOM otherwise the other operators with the exception of YU lost it a long time ago in marketing.

BBI will solve it
#13 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:29:44 AM
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The latest figures from CCK shows revenues from voice to have grown by double digits and data by single digits,so if those figures are to be believed Saf future is very bright.I believe Saf will win the price war,lately supaongea tarrifs are quite low even YU cant compete.Lets wait and see.
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#14 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:01:54 AM
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Woooaaa, this non-competition antitrust business, really needs a mind shift. You are all in class working hard to be number 01. Then one student remains top of the class for too long...

So now he must sit behind the class, not ask questions and pay more fees. And if he's still number 01, he stops attending some classes!
Okay let me not be cheeky smile

I'm a Safaricom subscriber and shareholder. But there's no arguing that Safaricom has become a natural (as opposed to coercive) monopoloy:
they have sufficient control over the sector to determine significantly the terms on which other players have access

Antitrust is supposed to create a more perfect competitive market and thus benefit the consumers/citizens - who are governments key responsibility. It needs to be done carefully so the consumers/citizens benefit as opposed to rewarding poor hawks (Orange, YU, Zain), because don't be mistaken, they do not care about us more!!!
#15 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:09:08 AM
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safaricom is slowly becoming a junk stock Laughing out loudly ...yeaaah, i just said that
#16 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:46:51 AM
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A regulator is duty bound to check anti-competitive practices. The only question is how far CCK can and should go before becoming anti-business.
#17 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:49:25 AM
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Jaguar wrote:
safaricom is slowly becoming a junk stock ...yeaaah, i just said that

@Jaguar, to you all NSE stocks are junks anyway so I'm trying to figure out what your point on this one is.

BBI will solve it
#18 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 10:00:36 AM
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It appears that none of the contributors to this thread so far have read "THE KENYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (FAIR COMPETITION AND EQUALITY OF TREATMENT) REGULATIONS, 2010"

You can download the regulations HERE:

I have had a glance at the regulations and so far, I have problems with the following:

Section 7(2)d reads:
7.(1) The Commission may from time to time develop and publish, in the Kenya Gazette, guidelines to be followed when determining whether a licensee in a dominant market position in a specific communications market.
(2) The criteria shall among others include-
(d)the ability of the licensee to earn supernormal profits

But it does not define what is meant by "supernormal".

Section 10. (1) reads: "A licensee shall maintain separate books of account for each service as may be prescribed by the Commission from time to time and shall not cross-subsidize the prices for any service it offers in the market with revenue from the sale of communication systems and services."

Essentially, this kills the motivation for creating many services. Imagine this: SCOM may be told not to use profits made in data services to off-set losses incurred in discounted voice services. Ridiculous!!

I'm still reading the document, but so far it sounds like market control [as opposed to regulation]. The net effect is likely to be an increase in tariffs. In fact, these regulations might kill the very people it is intended to protect.
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#19 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 10:09:16 AM
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From July 1 let's see the effect of being able to cross over networks without losing your phone number. That is where the real challenge itakuwa. Real freedom for consumers to decide.
#20 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 10:13:07 AM
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May be supernormal profits means 'more than the combined profits' of the other operators ?
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