masukuma wrote:AlphDoti wrote:wanyee wrote:AlphDoti wrote:wanyee wrote:Pretentious sentimentalism ..Karen/Langata would and should still be part of NNP ..but hey noooh the animals have a right to terrorize, maim and even kill the natives to the South East in the name of wildlife dispersal...ikatwe ijengwe nonsense if someone cares a lot about NNP let them donate a piece of Karen also.
That attitude you have is exactly what is depicted in the video below...
aside my point is that the very ones shouting loudest are the ones depicted in that vid... currently living in an ex
forest/woodland let them show true cause and vacate the we have lions and hyenas roaming all the way to Dagoreti and Kibra
People like you are the ones who "extinguished" those forest/woodlands, and you must be stopped. And since we may not have the "power" to, we must at least condemn just how we are doing right now!
it's the idolatry of "development".... very chauvinistic way of thinking. I remember reading a certain quote "If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within fifty years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within fifty years all forms of life would flourish."... humans are the disease.... at least their thinking is.
Human beings are a species – homo sapien sapien.
Insects (insecta) is a class - a very wide group of living things.
The comparable unit with insect for man would be Mamalia mammals – the class where we belong.
Imagine all mammals ceasing to exist!
And while at it if Man alone ceased to exist certain crops and animals as we know them today would follow him into extinction. Think of Maize, Wheat, Chicken, Cattle....
Bottom line we don’t need extinction of any species of living things.
In the past certain species got extinct by no fault of man.
Today while on the one hand man’s action on certain fronts contributes to thinning habitat for some species, man also actively helps the preservation of some species at the danger of getting extinct.
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu