Take Aways;1H16 PAT up +30%
1H16 net profit = Ksh. 1.19 Billion Vs 918 million
Gross margin an impressive 9.4% Vs 7.5%
Impairment provision of Ksh. 400 million against KPRL yield shift exposure
Finance costs tamed by a 74% margin (reduced borrowing, better inventory management)
Net forex gain Ksh. 39 million Vs (155 million) loss
Healthy ratios at 1.33 Vs 1.24 at FY15
Shareholder funds jumped to Ksh. 9.25 Billion Vs 8.55 Billion at FY15
Improved gearing ratio of 28.8%
Pesa Nane plans to be shilingi when he grows up.