LOL... "Kenya Paraffin Lamps and Candles"
I am betting this one is going to make me some good kwacha...
KPLC needs to tell those complaining about electricity prices/costs to zip it... Yes, tell them to stop using stima & use mafuta!!!
Anyway, the delay could be from GoK's side not KPLC... Look at the politics & politicians involved... lazy/corrupt fools all around!
- kibaki has never seen on a fence he did not like... (except acceptance of corruption & election rigging)
- raila has never seen the grass being greener on his side no wonder he changes parties more often than kalonzo changes his undies...
- kiraitu murungi has never met a corrupt deal he does not partake of...
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett