Cornelius Vanderbilt wrote:na gdp growth imefika wapi ? uhuru and company are doing so much PR we cannot even know if the economy is growing ornot !
This Jubilee has earmarked to go full blast on PR to camouflage as having improved the KE economy but not giving any facts/statistics about it e.g. GDP comparatives, GNP comparatives, current account and fiscal deficit comparatives as well as their %tages to GDP.
Whereas some things are obvious e.g. exchange rate stability and slow improvement we have not seen the impact of some known facts to the economy to mention just a few;
1. Impact of lower import bill arising from lower oil prices,
2. Impact of eurobond money whose they cant show one project funded yet we continue pay expensively and yet they are planning to go for more.
3. Impact of devolution on the economy
etc etc
may be a wazuan familiar with the contents of the recent economic survey and its rational could share some insights.