murchr wrote:So musicians signed contracts that they didnt read giving out their music to middlemen, now they are complaining after realizing that they have been making close to 40M. Do they have a point in law?
murchr, have had a look at an agreement from one of those skiza companies. you really need to read it so appreciate how much of a screw job these guys are perpetuating on clueless artists who can't appreciate the importance of obtaining legal services. thing is the agreement does not just give the guys rights over the particular songs the artists in that video are talking about but over all their future works. every single one.
they need to come together and sue the guys as i personally believe there is a systematic intent to deprive the artists of their property. it's a con job. forget about ''they have signed an agreement' arguments, the artists are never allowed time to really read the agreements before signing, leave alone seek legal advice.
unfortunately, going by the arguments by those ladies in the video, they still haven't realized that they need competent legal assistance.