All these businesses succeed simply because there is a guy who has mastered the distribution channel! it's not the poacher that is the main person. He is a cog wheel in a fairly sophisticated network. To run this network one needs cash and thus when one creates a distribution channel to china, he/she charges premium! ok! so what we need to do is kill this network of cog wheels. you can either kill it the way you are currently doing it... fighting it by looking for poachers and trying to follow the trail upwards upto a guy in china OR you could make their business not worth doing! Make ivory a nicknack by flooding the market with it and keep the controls on. This will make it impossible for the business men to go through their expensive distribution channel and provide a cheap product and thus the business will implode! We are not selling the Ivory to in China to "make X shillings" Tuna HARIBU SOKO TU! Spoliers!! Heck We should even give them out for free so that there is no prestige in having an Ivory derived substance. I fail to see what burning ivory does to
1) Kill the Ivory Business
2) Add the numbers of Elephants we have
it's just a statement to the rest of the world but not the business people involved in the trade coz they have already factored in the "hasara" in their math!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!