sparkly wrote:Ebenyo wrote:Ebenyo wrote:mlennyma wrote:what hails this company?i find it very docile or cold for lack of a better term.
@mlennyma,i have been atracted to this stock to the good dividend payout but i have not bought it yet.I went through its FY 2015 financial report.It has a very high debt to equity ratio.But if it will maintain its profitability onwards,that ratio will definitely come down.Could you pliz shade some more light on your remarks.Docile or cold.It will be helpful as maybe there are things which are not clear.
I decided today to place an order of 15.50.Will see after three days if i have been successful or not.
Current Dividend yield of 4.9 percent is my decisive point.
Kenol kobil yields 2.5% currently.
Total is majorly held by Total french company.No cause of alarm FOR NOW.
Preference shares... If they decide to convert you will be diluted like clear onion soup.
Total outer mar,holds 93% of Total kenya limited.Preference shares were issued to help the TKL easen the high debt burden which was eating into its profitabilty.This is after total outer mar injected kshs 5.1 bilion into Total kenya ltd.Tkl last year posted 2.1 bilion in profits.
I have a feeling the 2013 deal has boosted TKL ability to make continous profits as finance costs and interests costs came down.
The lowering finance and operational costs must continue for the profitability to continue.
FY 15 results gives me assurance that the company is in a strong position to continue generating profits.Any change in this line,will see me out.
I will keenly be watching how the company will try to bring down high debts.
There are expensive loans from commercial banks which should be the first priority.
Towards the goal of financial freedom