jus bin looking at the stats from some of our listed commercial banks. Wanted to compare directors emoluments, staggering variances for 2009.
SCBK 107 million
KCB 104 million
NIC 91 million
COOP 76 million
DTBK 51 million
NBK 50 million
EQTY 43 million
HFCK 32 million
BBK 9 million
How can SCBK and KCB spend over 100 million on directors fees, but Barclays spends a measly 9 million? Even I&M and Family published today and they were no more than 20 million. Just what's in those directors emoluments?
“We are the middle children of history man, no purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives!" – Tyler Durden