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LTWPP.....The way forward.
#1 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 6:03:00 AM
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Stands for Lake Turkana Wind Power Project........It goes to show that we have resources.The Wind farm will produce 300Mw of electricity from 353 wind turbines each withan installed capacity of 850Mw thus injecting about 30% of the current national output.Initial phase is expected to start exporting to the grid in July of 2011 and full production to be attained by June 2012........Clean cheap electricity.There must be a thousand other areas in Kenya where this can be replicated at very low costs thus saving Billions in oil imports.

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The General
#2 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 7:27:00 AM
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Joined: 6/3/2006
Posts: 553
@ Njunge,True.

Do you think these Mw's will be cheaper than those of our fellas in Western?

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#3 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 8:00:00 AM
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I haven't any comparison on this but what is obvious is that wind energy is clean,renewable and also helps in reducing greenhouse gas emmisions.The other thing is that wind farms require much less initial capital unlike Geo,hydro and nuclear power plants besides being cheap in terms of maitenance.That would mean the final product is fairly cheap than the current forms of power generation in the country.

God gives,mugikuyu takes.
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The General
#4 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 8:35:00 AM
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Joined: 6/3/2006
Posts: 553
@ Njunge,i hear what you are saying

Kengen has this in the pipeline,one at ngong if am not wrong. I wonder why they are slow off the block on this one at a large scale like the LTWPP....

The thicker the thigh the sweeter the pie.
The thicker the thigh the sweeter the pie.
#5 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 9:03:00 AM
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Who is the investor in the LTWPP?
#6 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 9:27:00 AM
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It's a consortium of dutch investor and a Kenyan firm known as Anset Africa ltd,a Kenyan Dutch and co-owner of Agri-fresh ltd,a Dutch company known as KP&P and where there is money,you won't miss a Luo.This one is little known steel pipe manufacturer by the name John Thiong'o Mwangi.

God gives,mugikuyu takes.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#7 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 9:42:00 AM
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We are very well endowed with resources if we could only get our act right and exploit them as a priority.

If this project succeeds it will also reduce over reliance on rains for hydro-electric power generation.

We should also remind those working on coal in mwingi to speed up the exploration.

Solar energy should also be harnessed in Northern kenya.Energy is a key sector towards attaining the vision 2030
#8 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 9:49:00 AM
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That is a good one.I was wondering when somebody would invest in this great innovation that is renewable energy(Gained a lot of currency in the west). Some time back I visited this place called Loiyangalani in Turkana for an expedition and was pleasantly surprised when I came to this little mission centre run by Americans which runs on wind energy.The pleasant couple had the courtesy of showing us all the electronic and electric gadgets that were powered by this alternative energy(heck,they even had a welding machine). I wondered at that point why as a nation,that is gripped by an ever worsening shortage of power,had not thought of this as a viable option. Clean,reliable and renewable energy.

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Patience Pays In Guaranteed Checks.
#9 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 9:56:00 AM
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@Njunge. This wind farming is a great potential. If Lake Turkana can produce this,imagine what the Lake Victoria can produce especially in places around Gwassi Hills and Migori which receive constant wind year round. Another place will be Nyando (between Ahero and Kericho) winds in this area are so strong (although not regular) that at times they almost lift your car off the road if doing past 110.

I hope we will not wait for the Iranians or Qataris to see this and take it up on our soil.

#10 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 10:34:00 AM
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To be precise,this wind farm will be in Loiyangalani.


True.Gwassi and Migori are potential wind energy farm sites by their proximity to the lake.Ther are other areas such Isiolo,Lari,Lamu and why not?Offshore along our coastline.Britain's to be biggest wind firm will be off-shore near Kent or so am informed.They intend to power the 2012 olympics using this energy and close to a million homesteads thereafter.Installed capacity will be 1GW at a cost of about Kshs 240 Billions...........There is serious money for the very serious investors.

God gives,mugikuyu takes.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#11 Posted : Tuesday, May 26, 2009 9:14:00 AM
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Loiyangalani is a wonderful place(expedition)Samburu for a place of many sheep/goats.I am sure it will be great as a wind farm if the missionaries experience is anything to go by.

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Patience Pays In Guaranteed Checks.
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