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Kumbe a Professor earns only 165k....before tax
#61 Posted : Wednesday, September 26, 2012 4:06:15 PM
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Joined: 10/23/2009
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ocampo wrote:
The problem with many Kenyans is believing what is in the newspapers is news.

@ocampo since you know why not give the correct scales. And what do we have in the papers if not news. I beleive the reporters at least try to do some research before publishing such things. This was Daily Nation which I beleive is one of the more credible papers in the country if not the most credible.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#62 Posted : Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:58:44 AM
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pariah wrote:
Moi Univeristy Salary Scale (May 2012)

Professor Scale 15 (xv) - Min of Ksh. 113,140/= p.m. - Max of Kshs. 165,600/= p.m

Associate Professor Scale 14 (xiv) - Min of Ksh. 96,157/= p.m. - Max of Kshs. 135,262/= p.m

Senior Lecturer Scale 13 (xiii) - Min of Ksh. 73,680/= p.m. - Max of Kshs. 105,766/= p.m

Lecturer Scale 12 (xii) - Min of Ksh. 65,192/= p.m. - Max of Kshs. 92,954/= p.m

Tutorial Fellow Scale/ Assistant Lecturer Scale 11(xii) - Min of Ksh. 54,582/= p.m. - Max of Kshs. 77,924/= p.m

I picked these from a Moi University advert of May 2012. Would Ocampo and others now let us know the following

1. The increments that were effected following the recent strike
2. How much a typical lecturer would get from module II (Parallel) per hour or per month
3. How much you would make part time at private uni/ other colleges
4. How many publications does one need to be considered for position of asociate professor (assuming he satisfies requirements of PhD and 3 years teaching experience)
#63 Posted : Thursday, September 27, 2012 12:27:09 PM
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Joined: 8/7/2012
Posts: 39
I just saw this and I thought I could weigh in with my two cdnts worth...
I got a job with KU last year though I never took due to a better offer elsewhere. KU gave me a post of senior lecturer with basic salary of Ksh.101,000. With other allowances for house and medical my net take home would have been circa 120k. I was also offered to teach parallel classes in their Karen campus for 3k per hour as extra. In terms of my quals I hold a Phd, 6 publications and 6 yrs postdoctoral experience.
I also had another offer from Mount Kenya University with a gross of 225k although this was for a 5-yr renewable contract.
All in all, what I found out during my search for a university position is that public universities are great for job security (terms are on permanent and pensionable, you can moonlight, etc.) while privates normally are on contracts though they pay more. Some of the privates don't even operate pension schemes (apart from the diabolical nssf) and its left to the employees to sort themselves! The downside of the public ones is that workload is enormous (class sizes can be sometimes 1000 (especially for the mass market degrees eg. B. Arts, Bsc. & B. Ed). There's no time for individualised teaching or research and lecturers feel like factory operators.
I hope this helps the debate...
#64 Posted : Thursday, September 27, 2012 2:26:58 PM
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Joined: 11/24/2011
Posts: 833
Kanjora1 wrote:
I just saw this and I thought I could weigh in with my two cdnts worth...
I got a job with KU last year though I never took due to a better offer elsewhere. KU gave me a post of senior lecturer with basic salary of Ksh.101,000. With other allowances for house and medical my net take home would have been circa 120k. I was also offered to teach parallel classes in their Karen campus for 3k per hour as extra. In terms of my quals I hold a Phd, 6 publications and 6 yrs postdoctoral experience.
I also had another offer from Mount Kenya University with a gross of 225k although this was for a 5-yr renewable contract.
All in all, what I found out during my search for a university position is that public universities are great for job security (terms are on permanent and pensionable, you can moonlight, etc.) while privates normally are on contracts though they pay more. Some of the privates don't even operate pension schemes (apart from the diabolical nssf) and its left to the employees to sort themselves! The downside of the public ones is that workload is enormous (class sizes can be sometimes 1000 (especially for the mass market degrees eg. B. Arts, Bsc. & B. Ed). There's no time for individualised teaching or research and lecturers feel like factory operators.
I hope this helps the debate...

Many thanks bwana/bi Kanjora for your contribution. I am considering a career in teaching in Kenya in the future and yours is the most informative post I have seen. Thanks again and good luck at MKU
#65 Posted : Saturday, September 29, 2012 4:54:09 PM
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Joined: 8/7/2012
Posts: 39
@ Pariah

You're welcome. I am not at MKU, I took up something else instead. When I decide to go to teaching I might take up MKU because their terms (not just monetary) are very flexible and they have a very good vision as well.
Good luck yourself with your future.
#66 Posted : Monday, November 04, 2013 8:44:25 PM
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Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
We need to revive this post!
There are so many universities in Kenya and students may be the ultimate beneficiaries. Salo is important though.
What are the terms for part timers?
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#67 Posted : Tuesday, December 31, 2013 4:35:45 AM
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BGL wrote:
We need to revive this post!
There are so many universities in Kenya and students may be the ultimate beneficiaries. Salo is important though.
What are the terms for part timers?

I am wondering if the lecturers in the house can update us on terms in the new universities (private and public)

thank you
our goals are best achieved indirectly
#68 Posted : Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:00:05 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 11/13/2013
Posts: 10
Many thanks to all the contributors..Applause Applause Applause . Are these figures likely to change significantly in the future? I don't think faculties such as Law or the sciences can keep up with current private sector rates if they maintain this in future.
Listen Grasshopper...
#69 Posted : Wednesday, January 15, 2014 6:55:26 PM
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Does anyone have the salary scales for lecturers in other East African countries?
thank you
our goals are best achieved indirectly
#70 Posted : Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:34:41 PM
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kiterunner wrote:
Does anyone have the salary scales for lecturers in other East African countries?
thank you

Careful, this will result in you being referred to as a lower primary dropout. You need to ask about Switzerland, France, UK, USA.....yaani our peers, not failed neighbours.
#71 Posted : Thursday, January 16, 2014 7:24:46 AM
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simonkabz wrote:
kiterunner wrote:
Does anyone have the salary scales for lecturers in other East African countries?
thank you

Careful, this will result in you being referred to as a lower primary dropout. You need to ask about Switzerland, France, UK, USA.....yaani our peers, not failed neighbours.

Hahahaha Laughing out loudly
#72 Posted : Thursday, January 16, 2014 9:25:58 AM
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washiku wrote:
simonkabz wrote:
kiterunner wrote:
Does anyone have the salary scales for lecturers in other East African countries?
thank you

Careful, this will result in you being referred to as a lower primary dropout. You need to ask about Switzerland, France, UK, USA.....yaani our peers, not failed neighbours.

Hahahaha Laughing out loudly

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly hapa @Thimioni umeshinda! Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
#73 Posted : Monday, January 20, 2014 2:03:18 PM
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kiterunner wrote:
Does anyone have the salary scales for lecturers in other East African countries?
thank you

Ok, can someone call @kiterunner a lower primary drop-out but give us these salary scales... as it is, no one is calling anyone names and hence no information is forthcoming....
#74 Posted : Wednesday, April 09, 2014 1:20:55 PM
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Joined: 6/26/2008
Posts: 384
Kanjora1 wrote:
I just saw this and I thought I could weigh in with my two cdnts worth...
I got a job with KU last year though I never took due to a better offer elsewhere. KU gave me a post of senior lecturer with basic salary of Ksh.101,000. With other allowances for house and medical my net take home would have been circa 120k. I was also offered to teach parallel classes in their Karen campus for 3k per hour as extra. In terms of my quals I hold a Phd, 6 publications and 6 yrs postdoctoral experience.
I also had another offer from Mount Kenya University with a gross of 225k although this was for a 5-yr renewable contract.
All in all, what I found out during my search for a university position is that public universities are great for job security (terms are on permanent and pensionable, you can moonlight, etc.) while privates normally are on contracts though they pay more. Some of the privates don't even operate pension schemes (apart from the diabolical nssf) and its left to the employees to sort themselves! The downside of the public ones is that workload is enormous (class sizes can be sometimes 1000 (especially for the mass market degrees eg. B. Arts, Bsc. & B. Ed). There's no time for individualised teaching or research and lecturers feel like factory operators.
I hope this helps the debate...

What is the rate per credit of part-time lecturers for the undegrads? Can part-time lecturers ask for more than one class?
#75 Posted : Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:27:50 PM
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xtina wrote:
Kanjora1 wrote:
I just saw this and I thought I could weigh in with my two cdnts worth...
I got a job with KU last year though I never took due to a better offer elsewhere. KU gave me a post of senior lecturer with basic salary of Ksh.101,000. With other allowances for house and medical my net take home would have been circa 120k. I was also offered to teach parallel classes in their Karen campus for 3k per hour as extra. In terms of my quals I hold a Phd, 6 publications and 6 yrs postdoctoral experience.
I also had another offer from Mount Kenya University with a gross of 225k although this was for a 5-yr renewable contract.
All in all, what I found out during my search for a university position is that public universities are great for job security (terms are on permanent and pensionable, you can moonlight, etc.) while privates normally are on contracts though they pay more. Some of the privates don't even operate pension schemes (apart from the diabolical nssf) and its left to the employees to sort themselves! The downside of the public ones is that workload is enormous (class sizes can be sometimes 1000 (especially for the mass market degrees eg. B. Arts, Bsc. & B. Ed). There's no time for individualised teaching or research and lecturers feel like factory operators.
I hope this helps the debate...

What is the rate per credit of part-time lecturers for the undegrads? Can part-time lecturers ask for more than one class?


#76 Posted : Tuesday, January 12, 2016 4:55:26 PM
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What is the current salary (Plus all due allowances) does a tutorial fellow earn in a Kenyan university like THE and KU?
Portfolio: Sold
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#77 Posted : Tuesday, January 12, 2016 5:18:15 PM
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Impunity wrote:
What is the current salary (Plus all due allowances) does a tutorial fellow earn in a Kenyan university like THE and KU?

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#78 Posted : Tuesday, January 12, 2016 7:08:05 PM
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Impunity wrote:
What is the current salary (Plus all due allowances) does a tutorial fellow earn in a Kenyan university like THE and KU?

Its around 80k and subject to completion of the phd.u actually give yearly progress reports of ur studies
One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything
#79 Posted : Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:10:28 AM
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#80 Posted : Monday, October 30, 2017 2:40:38 PM
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kiterunner wrote:
Does anyone have the salary scales for lecturers in other East African countries?
thank you

It has been a while since I asked this. In the meantime I sold out and joined the said Unis. Salary is horrible but if you are enterprising you can do a lot more.

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