@Sober. Best move was buying Bamburi, great dividends and positive/decent capital gains. Not selling but consistently Buying more kk and thanks to today in the green on KK( for one of the few times I've been green on that counter this year, kept buying at 8.00~)
Worst move. I didn't sell any stocks, so I guess watching tpsea plummet to 25, still adding. It's the only stock of mine in the red. Though still have faith in the company esp in the coming year. I see this being a performer for me in 2016 because of the low Base of starting at 25.00.
Also invested more in bond/tbills portfolio than stocks this year, so reducing effect of the bear on my portfolio. It has steadied my portfolio, I've not crunched the numbers yet but I'm profitable in 2015.
Sometimes doing Little/nothing is the best thing
The investor's chief problem - and even his worst enemy - is likely to be himself