Unfortunately anything broken in the UK now is associated with Gordon Brown (not labour) NHS decline, Crime, Joblessness, Immigration, etc overtime the Conservatives have been leading by a margin of 4 points +/- 1 and they have kept the lead consistently.
Now unless Gordon Brown has an ace in his sleeve i don't see him pulling this off, he is not a great orator thus i fail to see where or what stage he can build on to the gap, i stand corrected.
Also to note i have been watching the meteoric rise of BNP party and i must say, this is one to watch, they are pro - white and it's engrained in their constitution and the support these guys have is massive not to mention chilling. For you to be a member you have to prove descendants prior WW1 living in Britain.
What are your thoughts on the following:
"Can Churches escape a state-imposed diktat to conduct gay weddings? Should they? Is the Catholic Church right to fight gay adoption in the courts? Is homosexuality a distraction from bigger issues? Have the Churches themselves been corrupted by a public-sector mentality? And can we trust Dave''s Conservatives to protect Britain's historic contract between Church and State
Real issue folks..
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.