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Catholic church sex scandal-height of hypocrisy.
#1 Posted : Monday, March 22, 2010 6:30:12 AM
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...The recent sex scandal by Ireland and German priests calls for a rethink among the catholic church on the institution of marriage and particularly whether priests should marry or not. Since these so called priests have refused to wear underwears ( ...not zip up their pants since they wear robes and with those robes I do not think they have anything under!!!), they should be allowed to marry or better still, because the church allows them to drinks, it can as well allow them to have prostitutes once in a while. This is far much better than what they do in hiding. It is completely wrong for anybody to molest children sexually and is worse when this is done by priests, who the children hold in reverence. I am not condemning the whole church, but what moral standing does the church have to talk against abortion whne some of the priests practise?
#2 Posted : Monday, March 22, 2010 8:06:49 AM
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Through news reports, we have learned that in 1980, when Pope Benedict XVI was Archbishop of Munich Joseph Ratzinger, he approved an order to move a priest named Peter Hullermann into the diocese of Munich, Germany, for therapy after parents complained that the priest had had sexual relations with their children. Hullermann soon resumed his pastoral duties, while Ratzinger was still archbishop. Shortly after Ratzinger left his Munich post in 1982, Hullermann was moved to a church in Grafing, nearby, and was convicted, four years later, of sexually abusing children there. Yet he was kept in ministry until a few days ago.

Cardinal Brady, back when he was the Rev. Brady in 1975, swore two little boys to secrecy during a church investigation into their abuse by the Rev. Brendan Smythe. In the ensuing 18-year silence, Smythe went on to abuse dozens of other children in Ireland and the United States. He died in Irish prison in 1997.

#3 Posted : Monday, March 22, 2010 9:04:01 AM
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What a mess! The acts are repulsive at so many levels, including some not of this world. This affair of entrusting imperfect human beings with the works of God, is to me dumbfounding! But woe unto us if we should think to compare man's intellect to God's wisdom.

I'm not a scholar but since Catholic Church was formed as first Christian church, I now know of many moments of crisis:

1st c: Nero's persecution
4th c: Arianism
8th c: Muslim conquests
15th c: Western schiscm
16th c: Protestant Reformation
17th c: Turkish Invasion
18th c: French Revolution/separation of church+state/persecution of Protestant Hugenots
19th c: Breakup to form Old Catholic Church
20th c: Cristeo War/Spanish Civil War and persecutions

This abuse of children is another crisis. No doubt the church will go on. I pray it will provide an opportunity for the church to learn much needed lessons, and even show more tolerance to other people that may not ascribe to some of its beliefs.
#4 Posted : Monday, March 22, 2010 2:33:02 PM
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My belief is that since it is not forbidden in the Bible for priests to marry, then they should.

The misguided idea that a Pope's word is equal to scripture is what has led to all this mess. The directive that priests should not marry may have been well meaning, but the results speak for themselves. Change the directive, admit fallability. All men are fallible. Then things will change.
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#5 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 7:15:38 AM
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Vatican mystery intensifies

To say that Catholic is a mysterious organization is an understatement; consider the story of the a girl Emanuela Orlandi who disappeared about 30 years ago believed to have been murdered by guys high up in the Holy see and her remains hidden among the caskets holding ‘holy bones’

Orlandi was 15 when she disappeared after leaving her family's Vatican City apartment to go to a music lesson in Rome. Her father was a lay employee of the Holy See. Doubts have also been cast on whether the Vatican itself had cooperated fully with the investigation.

In 2008, Italian news reports quoted De Pedis' ex-girlfriend as telling prosecutors that Orlandi had been kidnapped by the Magliana gang on the orders of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, the late U.S. prelate who had headed the Vatican bank and was linked to a huge Italian banking scandal in the 1980s. Marcinkus had always asserted his innocence in the scandal and the Vatican at the time of the allegation said the woman's claims had "extremely doubtful value."

At the time of Emanuela's disappearance the witness reported seeing a girl who fit her description getting into a dark green BMW near the music school, which was adjacent to the Sant' Apollinare church. That lead was never corroborated. In 1981, two years before the girl's disappearance, Turkish national Mehmet Ali Agca shot Pope John Paul II. In the days after Emanuela disappeared, her parents received anonymous phone calls from someone promising the safe return of their daughter if the Vatican released Agca. Meanwhile, an anonymous caller told police that Emanuela was kidnapped to keep her father, Ercole Orlandi, quiet. That caller said Ercole Orlandi had stumbled upon sensitive documents that tied banker Roberto Calvi to an organized crime syndicate. Calvi was known as "God's banker" for his close association with both the Holy See and its primary banking facility, Banco Ambrosiano. Orlandi worked in the Vatican's special events office that organizes papal functions and Catholic celebrations. Calvi was found hanged in London in 1982. Speculation turned from suicide to homicide in that case. The tipster to police in Italy said Orlandi's daughter was nabbed to ensure her father's silence.

Following pressure from many quarters for a speedy conclution of the case, Vatican has allowed investigators to infiltrate some of its ‘hidden’ closets. Medical experts took samples from the remains of Enrico De Pedis and also took boxes of old bones from the nearby ossuary, according to a De Pedis family lawyer, as part of the investigation into whether Emanuela Orlandi may have been buried alongside him.

But shockingly, investigators also found about 200 boxes of unidentified bones in the crypt, which they are now working on dating. Investigators are still checking the walls behind the boxes where the bones were kept, in case it hid secret vaults.



#6 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:56:34 AM
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anasazi wrote:
My belief is that since it is not forbidden in the Bible for priests to marry, then they should.

The misguided idea that a Pope's word is equal to scripture is what has led to all this mess. The directive that priests should not marry may have been well meaning, but the results speak for themselves. Change the directive, admit fallability. All men are fallible. Then things will change.

The catholic church currently has over 400,000 priests. it's unfortunate that the few fallible characters get soo much publicity yet the good ones never get noticed. I believe they joined that vacation knowing the laws and they should abide to them period.
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#7 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 9:11:19 AM
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#8 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 9:12:10 AM
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panomaz wrote:
anasazi wrote:
My belief is that since it is not forbidden in the Bible for priests to marry, then they should.

The misguided idea that a Pope's word is equal to scripture is what has led to all this mess. The directive that priests should not marry may have been well meaning, but the results speak for themselves. Change the directive, admit fallability. All men are fallible. Then things will change.

The catholic church currently has over 400,000 priests. it's unfortunate that the few fallible characters get soo much publicity yet the good ones never get noticed. I believe they joined that vacation knowing the laws and they should abide to them period.

Panoma, what is coming to light is the pedophile mess because of the legal problems. Many priests are however in consensual relationships on which nothing is said because legally no crime is committed except the breaking of church rules. Surely, Saint Peter, supposedly the first pope had a wife. It is time the church addressed this matter.
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#9 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:10:29 PM
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Cover ups?

Does anyone think there are no previous attepmts?

I have attached a photo of a page of a book 'A Complete History of the Popes of Rome From Saint Peter, The First Bishop, To Pius the Ninth, the Present Pope: Including The History of Saints, Matyrs, Fathers of the Church, Religious Orders , Cardinals, Inquisitions, Schims and the Great Reformers'.

The book was translated from the French of Luis Marie De Cormenin. It is the volume 1 and it was printed in Philadelphia by J. & J. L. Gihon, of No 98 Chestnut street in 1851.

So the 'present pope' in the title was in 1851, not 2012.

This has got to be one of the greatest coverups in the history of human kind. Almost complete is this particular coverup that talking about it will raise strange stares, but like all human work, the coverup is imperfect and gaps still exist such as this one.

The photo is page 225 of the book and the story goes up to page 231. I could have put all those relevant pages but my modem is slow.

I am not sure if a download link to the book still exists it would have been easier to just put it then people to read the book (that has several interesting information that would be good to keep under wraps) for themselves as after all, Google states it is now in the public domain, its copyrights having expired.

Here it is:

#10 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:08:23 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/11/2008
Posts: 2,306
YW, we leta rink bana. This is a must read!
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#11 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:24:13 PM
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YesuWangu wrote:
Cover ups?

Does anyone think there are no previous attepmts?

I have attached a photo of a page of a book 'A Complete History of the Popes of Rome From Saint Peter, The First Bishop, To Pius the Ninth, the Present Pope: Including The History of Saints, Matyrs, Fathers of the Church, Religious Orders , Cardinals, Inquisitions, Schims and the Great Reformers'.

The book was translated from the French of Luis Marie De Cormenin. It is the volume 1 and it was printed in Philadelphia by J. & J. L. Gihon, of No 98 Chestnut street in 1851.

So the 'present pope' in the title was in 1851, not 2012.

This has got to be one of the greatest coverups in the history of human kind. Almost complete is this particular coverup that talking about it will raise strange stares, but like all human work, the coverup is imperfect and gaps still exist such as this one.

The photo is page 225 of the book and the story goes up to page 231. I could have put all those relevant pages but my modem is slow.

I am not sure if a download link to the book still exists it would have been easier to just put it then people to read the book (that has several interesting information that would be good to keep under wraps) for themselves as after all, Google states it is now in the public domain, its copyrights having expired.

Here it is:

Not only that….the current Pope; Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI was a former Hitler Youth. Under Hitler he was in an anti-aircraft unit that protected a BMW factory making aircraft engines. The workforce included slaves from Dachau concentration camp.
#12 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:49:42 PM
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I can't beleive these! Do you guys really think the institution of church, catholic or Kiuna churches are in these for God? Not at all! Catholic and Vatican is a large business enterprise, I haven't had an opportunity to do strategic consulting for them but I am waiting for their calls when the saga start affecting the bottomline.

What the church does perfectly is sell a dream of a good life after dead! These guys are living large and experimenting their fantasis and the whole population is worried about not having a good place after dead, what a stupid thinking. I believe in supernatural power and I still call that power God but the God the church is selling in not the God I know, the last time I read the bible I noticed that the book could be use as a self-serving manual so I have donated it but I am going to do what I think is right and that is love my neighbor, help those in need and F the church
#13 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2012 7:20:53 PM
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What happened to the Kenyan priests who confessed to have families?
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#14 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:59:40 AM
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Robinhood wrote:
YW, we leta rink bana. This is a must read!

The link appears not to be working. Not surprised, if it worked it would defeat the purpose. Think of the Pope:

a) having sex then
b) getting pregnant while
c) unmarried in office

and recognize the urgency of erasing this bit of history. The ´moral leader of the world´ cannot entertain such ridicule.

Wait a little, I try to find alternate sites. It had to be mirrored, these things.

In the mean time, if you are still interested, I will post some pages of the book that I had mentioned in continuation of this particular story.

#15 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:13:40 AM
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Popess Joans story proper begins in this page in the second column.

#16 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:27:02 AM
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#17 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:31:41 AM
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@YesuWangu, thank you for your comprehensive update. My facts on the matter indicate Popess Joan was a juicy medeival folklore and the time overseen by Popes Leo IV (died 17/7/855) and Bendedict III. I'm sure you are more familiar with certain unfortunate theories advanced by infamous author Dan Brown.

Don't get me wrong, I cannot begin to advocate idea of Pope as angelic or even equivalent to a saint. No more than I would think the Queen, Pastor, the first disciples, as spiritual leaders beyond reproach.

I would say they stand judged, as do we, before God. Asa posits, why is there so much religion yet there's so little love?

If the idea of your post is to teach in love, I would refer you to a more constructive read: 'Defects of the Saints' by Jesus Urteaga.

#18 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:10:21 PM
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muganda wrote:
@YesuWangu, thank you for your comprehensive update. My facts on the matter indicate Popess Joan was a juicy medeival folklore and the time overseen by Popes Leo IV (died 17/7/855) and Bendedict III. I'm sure you are more familiar with certain unfortunate theories advanced by infamous author Dan Brown.

Don't get me wrong, I cannot begin to advocate idea of Pope as angelic or even equivalent to a saint. No more than I would think the Queen, Pastor, the first disciples, as spiritual leaders beyond reproach.

I would say they stand judged, as do we, before God. Asa posits, why is there so much religion yet there's so little love?

If the idea of your post is to teach in love, I would refer you to a more constructive read: 'Defects of the Saints' by Jesus Urteaga.

My internet connection is terrible. But now as it is back I can put up the remaining pages.

Hello Muganda,
Thank you for the compliments. However, the idea of my post today is what I have highlighted in your own post. We can discuss love another day. We need to focus.

Now, where were we? Oh!

#19 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:30:24 PM
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#20 Posted : Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:50:15 PM
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The pope before Joan was Leo The Fourth from AD 847 to AD 853. Then Joan who was pope for just 2 years AD 853 to AD 855.

Then the next pope after Joan is Benedict The Third from AD 855 to AD 858. This was also another one whose pontificate was full of unchristian drama!

After Benedict was Nicholas The First from AD 858 to AD 867 when came Adrian The Second etc.

Maybe this is the mistake people like me do that makes the pontificate of Joan be erased. We make fun of it.

I am sorry. I think we should be proud that at least compared to other popes, she had lesser intrigue and tried to carry out her beliefs. Then maybe her term will be recognized.
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