Ericsson wrote:@VituVingiSana
The strategy here is for Indians to converge under one bank that can serve them adequately
United we stand divided we fall.
I disagree. I think Banking in Kenya has slowly evolved (or evolving) towards banking for all. You cannot grow your market share if you remain insular. Money not ethnicity is what counts.
I&M has opened branches in what may be considered 'non-Asian' areas over the past 2-3 years (after going public). Check their website.
DTB has rapidly expanded across Kenya (& EAC) under the current CEO e.g. Kilifi, Mtwapa, etc without denying they do have the support of the Aga Khan's followers.
Equity has a Kenyan-Asian as the COO. He is 44 years old & the 35-50 year olds represents the next generation of (non-family) business 'leaders' as the current crop retires. The ED of I&M is 47.
Equity was a Kikuyu bank but it changed substantially since it listed. It is a regional bank with customers & staff of all hues.
My initial reaction was that I&M bought Giro to enter Uganda but I do not know if Giro has a Ugandan operation.
Uganda is a missing link for I&M (while DTB is missing in Rwanda).
As @ericsson said, the books seem clean. I am sure I&M will go through the Balance Sheet with a fine comb. The 2Q results for Giro Bank are available online and I was impressed at the low level of NPLs and lots of GoK Bonds.
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett