watesh wrote:innovator wrote:A 10% bonus without the share price blinking is not a tiny divided. At the current price of sh540 it is 54+8.50= 62.50 per share divided should be the highest in nse.
Companies that pay dividends in term of new shares rather than cash just show they are suffering cashwise
I wanted to make a snide comment but perhaps the chap is lost.
A bonus is not a dividend. It is simply a slice cut from the same cake. You get more but thinner slices. Psychology.
If you owned 20% of Jubilee & got a 1:10 (10%) bonus you still own 20% of Jubilee. If the bonus was 1:1 (100%) you still own 20%.
Some firms don't pay dividends. Centum. Berkshire Hathaway. Let's discuss BH. It has split its (A to B & also B) shares on occasion. No dividend. It's cash holdings exceed Kenya's GDP.
Uchumi announced a dividend. Jubilee announces very small dividends. Which firm has outperformed over the past 10 even 20 years?
Many firms 'preserve' cash to reinvest in their businesses. Jubilee is one of them. Conservative firm. The Chairman is a major shareholder of Jubilee. I like that. Skin in the game.
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett