heri wrote:mlennyma wrote:Pesa Nane wrote:heri wrote:EPS is now 10.66 from almost 20 in 2014
Do we expect the share price to go below 70bob?
@TeamMafisi already bidding at 50-55 !@#$
the market is full of vultures who cry for carcass of life animals
Does the market allow bids
that are 10% lower than the previous price Yes, following a corporate action
Quote:Limits on Bids and Offers
5.6.1 The daily price movement for any equity security in a single trading session shall not be more than 10% of the equity reference price.
5.6.2 Rule 5.6.1 shall not be applicable with respect to an equity security where:
i the Issuer, CIS or the REIT (as applicable) announces its financial results or material information;
ii it is the first session for the trading of the security ex entitlement;
iii The security has not traded for over three calendar months
iv Trading is in respect of rights
5.6.3 Where rule 5.6.2 is applicable, no Market Order shall be accepted by the ATS.
Pesa Nane plans to be shilingi when he grows up.