mkonomtupu wrote:Hopefully this is my last post on wazua(I have hit my target of 1,000 posts) it's been a wonderful five years ladies n gents. I have learnt a lot and taught a lot.
Let me give my accolades to the following:
@Vituvingisana-for prompting me to join wazua. Back in 2009 at the height of the bear run he was the only one actively posting and he looked he was just talking to himself.Thanks for sharpening my mind on the agric stocks moto moto thread.
@deal-for making me lots of cash on uchumi and saving me cash on Britam. Bright young fellow, good analyst when he want to be one but he gives up too easily.
@Njung'e-for saving me mad cash on mumias. I would be crying in the toilet.
@guru267-for showing me you can play the market long-term and short-term. Her early posts and market posts were really admirable. She got lost somewhere hope you find your way home.
@sparkly-an excellent stock picker good insights into good stocks but you never follow through. @mwekezaji-also a good stock picker with a bright future.
@Aguytrying and @smutaga-for being brilliant students of fundamental analysis. A bit of technical analysis will not harm you.
@Hisah-for teaching me macro-economics and inverse relation of the dollar and the commodities prices. I impressed my bosses when I told them oil would collapse from $115 to below $60.
@mnandii-for helping me re-discover technical analysis. It has saved me a lot of headache, misery and money. Keep up the spirit
@madam admin-for bestowing the rank of veteran. It would have such a shame to go out as a member.
@everyone else-knives sharpen knives. Keep up the spirit
@guests- when will you ever join and contribute to knowledge. You can't drink from the well and refuse to replenish the well.
Kwa hayo machache ladies n gents mkonomtupu has left the site
We wish you all the best good sir. Do not hesitate to return in the future. We're in this for the long haul like @mukiha.
I've learnt alot from you, especially about ignoring noise. I remember you as a lone voice in the uchumi play from 7 to 20. Also you practise the bond/ stocks rotation which is vital for any stocks investor.
Dont get carried away with trading and technical analysis, fundamentals is where the long term loot lies. I use technical to spot upcoming fundamental targets only. Adieus amigo
The investor's chief problem - and even his worst enemy - is likely to be himself