@mwanafunzi its the dynamics of the agricultural industry.
Firstly firms in this industry report very volatile earnings from season to season. It is not surprising to see a large HY loss transform into a profit and vice versa. They can't afford to pay huge dividends as they might leave themselves exposed.
Secondly accounting for agricultural companies is a tricky affair. Lots of prvisioning which does not mean an inflow of cash. Revaluation of tea bushes, live animals, plantations etc result in paper profits even where they have not been actualised.
Lastly on Kakuzi the company: Kakuzi has been going through restructuring of operations - getting rid of coffee, less tea, more of avocadoes,pineapples, livestock and forestry.
Restructuring was financed by bank loans and overdrafts. A huge portion of the loans has been outstanding and substantial cash goes to servicing the loans. As per last audited accounts Kakuzi's cashflows suck (to the point of being almost insolvent).
IMHO Kakuzi should first pay off those debts even before rewarding shareholders (safety first).
Then again Since the dollar inflows from tea are so good, the management decided to pay the 1 bob dividend to appease the shareholders.
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