SCOM vs EQTY. Who will win?
Rank: New-farer Joined: 7/3/2011 Posts: 30 Location: Nairobi
Equitel's fast growing popularity is a threat to Safaricom's MPESA especially with the introduction of thin SIM technology. I used to be a pig but I am now a bull-bear hybrid.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/31/2008 Posts: 1,076
The kind of infrastracture that safcom has built will not be easy to beat. They are the sharks of that sector. Dunia ni msongamano..
Rank: New-farer Joined: 10/10/2010 Posts: 51 Location: Nairobi
Safcom built a very strong muscle that will take forever to shake. whereas Safcom is patnering with all banks with their Mpesa product. Equity has partnered with Airtel thus creating a limitation in that safcom will always leverage by accessing their products to all banks.
SCOM vs EQTY. Who will win?
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