Information as they say is power.
I was using the 'search' facility on wazua looking through past discussions on a certain listed company. Much as I was able to view quite some info, it was limited to at least a whole length string, e.g. 'Mumias', meaning, discussions with acronyms like MS , or other given names e.g. sukari were omited on my search results.
So I was wondering whether our beloved admin crew on wazua would include a checkbox field where we would indicate the company's we are discussing. This way, the search yields more comprehensive results.
This would also apply in cases where people mention other companies within a different thread, they would also tick additional check boxes so that it is picked up in a search.
example - when starting a topic(or commenting) related to Mumias, one would check the box for 'mumias', so that while doing a search, irrespective of the names that 'mumias' goes by, all related discussions would show.
I know i am too wordy, beg pardon...hope my point is clearly understood.
Tired of mediocrity. Am going to the very top!