The 10 major shareholders and their holdings as at 31 December 2014 were:Stockholder name / Number of stock units / % of total stock
1. Bordure Limited*.................................5,107,920 = 26.06%
2. John Kibunga Kimani..............................4,898,083 = 24.99%
3. Lintak Investments Limited*......................4,828,714 = 24.64%
4. CFC Stanbic Nominees Ltd – A/C NR1030624.........594,975 = 3.04%
5. Standard Chartered Nominees – A/C 9532...........315,334 = 1,61%
6. G H Kluge & Sons Limited.........................239,118 = 1.22%
7. HBSC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Ltd.............200,000 = 1.02%
8. Limited............................150,860 = 0.77%
9. Joe Barrage Wanjui...............................122,004 = 0.62%
10. John Okuna Ogango...............................104,400 = 0.53%
Pesa Nane plans to be shilingi when he grows up.