@Kason, my I take this opportunity to express my admiration for your precise writing.
This is very rare in the Virtual Republic of Wazua and I must say, it is a pleasure to read.
Welcome (belated) to the Virtual Republic of Wazua.
Please do not be a stranger.
Kason wrote:That is what they are trying to determine (among other things) by doing the non deal roadshows to the various fund managers.
However, in my opinion I think it is the right time. There is so much liquidity (expected) in the market, especially this year given that the Govt. bonds are going to mature this year.
Also NSSF Assets under management have increased due to the fact that those old timers increased the rates.
There is an excess in the market, the market is not churning out investment products fast enough.
For Centum, they are hoping to get lower interest rates when coming in. They are in a bit of a cashflow fix but depending on their projections this might not be a factor for now. The structure of the bond may take the form of a deferred bond, where they can start paying the investors after a certain period of time