lochaz-index wrote:Impunity wrote:Is it morally right for a public utility which has a monopoly and levies some of the most outrageous charges to citizens to make such profit, and go ahead and publicly take pride in announcing them?
If one is a shareholder who suffered through low returns since the Rights Issue due to political machinations by the Executive. This return is piddling when looked at over a 5 year perspective.
And there's a low dividend payout as well because the cash is used to strengthen the grid with no guarantee the electricity will not be stolen by the customers.
There will be a low REAL (cash) return on investment for the foreseeable future as interest payments increase with annual KES 15-20bn CAPEX. In addition, KPLC guarantees off-take [capacity charges] from IPPs, KenGen, etc for all the new projects coming in. If the off-take is poor (or technical/commercial losses) then KPLC bears the cost/risk.
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett