Top 20 counters in 2014
# Stock Open Gain % Gain Close
1.KORCH 3.00 +107.00 +3,566.67% 110.00
2.Unga 18.00 +21.75 +120.83% 39.75
3.Britam 15.15 +14.60 +96.37% 29.75
4.Kakuzi 95.00 +85.00 +89.47% 180.00
5.Centum 33.00 +28.00 +84.85% 61.00
6.C&G 30.00 +24.00 +80.00% 54.00
7.EGAD 23.75 +18.25 +76.84% 42.00
8.Equity 30.75 +19.25 +62.60% 50.00
9.Umeme 13.00 +8.00 +61.54% 21.00
10.CIC 5.95 +3.65 +61.34% 9.60
11.Jubilee 280.00 +170.00 +60.71% 450.00
12.Express 3.90 +2.30 +58.97% 6.20
13.Liberty 15.05 +8.20 +54.49% 23.25
14.Limuru Tea 500.00 +271.00 +54.20% 771.00
15.BAT 600.00 +308.00 +51.33% 908.00
16.Crown 75.00 +36.00 +48.00% 111.00
17.HFCK 31.50 +14.25 +45.24% 45.75
18.CFC 87.00 +37.00 +42.53% 124.00
19.Eveready 2.70 +1.00 +37.04% 3.70
20.Standard Grp 26.00 +8.75 +33.65% 34.75
Summary notes
Despite the heavy selloff in MSC and KQ, both managed to finish above Uchumi!?
A counter had to produce a percentage gain above 33% plus to make it into the top 20 bracket.
For a counter to make it to the top 20 list a gain of 61% plus was a must
while a top 5 finish needed a gain of 84% plus?!Equity and BAT of the top 4 foreigners favourites made it to the top 20 list while Mpesa bank and KCB failed!
Small caps rallied like mad with NSE20 rallying slightly above 5400 only for the index to finish flat by year end even with MSC weight scrapped from the index!
The struggle continues with CGT confusion not helping at all.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!