Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/13/2010 Posts: 869 Location: Nairobi
jaggernaut wrote:So in that school the caucasians are free to grow their hair long, but they are lucky their hair happens to be naturally straight and thus the authorities are happy with it. But when some black kid also grows his hair long like his classmates, but due to his genetic makeup the hair becomes kinky and dready, which is a natural phenomenon, the school complains. And this is a school that purports to embrace diversity and multiculturalism? Sad! They shouldn't persecute that kid. A black man's long hair shouldn't be treated differently from a white man's long hair. We are all humans.The alternative would be to have all pupils, whether black or white, have their hair short. Otherwise it would be discriminatory (and against universal human rights) to allow a white kid to have long hair but demand that a kid who happens to be black to cut his long hair. This kid should only cut his hair only after all his classmates,white and black, cut theirs. We are all equal, though created differently. They are also required to keep their hair short. ....above all, to stand.