[quote=Magnate]PAT +36.8%
PBT +37.2%
EPS +36.9%
Closing price today 22.5
Quick comparisons with KK
KK has Gross margins of 6.8% while total has 3.7%. Total is doing 90B revenue while KK is doing 43B in other words Total does 2x KK revenue. Gross Profit KK 2.9B Total 3.3B the difference being 400m. Kenol with a larger network to Total by a mile has OPEX of 1.3B while Total has 2.3B opex with a smaller network.
Total has EBITDA of 1.2B while KK has EBITDA of 1.9B. KK has a significantly higher operating leverage Total implying for every unit sale KK is earning more operating profit than Total.
Total has better priced working capital to KK.
Net Cash from operations KK generated 7.9Billion while total consumed 10.8 Billion.
KK is certainly a stronger and more productive business than Total as at half year.
Once KK sorts out their working capital funding and reduces the cost of this funding they will make 2x more profits than Total from half the revenue of Total. More like member and simba in banking.