Magigi wrote:@impunity...It is sad when you are simply stupid and not aware. A first class graduate like you should know that there a whole world of difference between fiction and reality. And sorry I am not going to engage you. You are too far below me... And did my grandfather not tell me not to argue with people I suspect are as a product of a burst condom and a failed abortion? How right wsd he. Sorry. End of story.
Finally you have gathered enough courage to log in here!
Trying hard to borrow from @Mawinder's burst condom theory?
Sorry but I am not a product of incestial-rape like you, that's why your gears fail all the time. A birth defect from inherited weak gene!!!!!!!!!
By the way who told you what @swenani posted are not fiction? So za wengine ni reality while zako ni fiction?
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You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.