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Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
Wow! I never thought that I'd see such an experiment in my life time... CFR proposes “Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People" And what happens to banks? This is a bank bypass move? imagine getting credit from a CB like a commercial bank does for onward lending. Crazy stuff?! A solid admission that the global monetary system has failed to shake off the GFC disaster! This experiment will definite spike inflation which has refused to rise with the record printing by CBs in QE form as the money refused to trickle down to the bottom of the pyramid. Now the CB will hand out money to that level. Inflation galore which is what they want anyway to boost spending/consumerism!? Hyperinflation coming up if inflation spikes uncontrollably... http://www.mining.com/we...-very-bullish-for-gold/
Flagging @kk @kizee1 @scubidu @cde @deal @mwekezaji @vvs - central banking goes nuts during our lifetime!? $15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Rank: Chief Joined: 1/13/2011 Posts: 5,964
^Indeed. Sideways Economics, kila mtu akule kakitu model. Why I'd really like to see how the Zim model works, though in their case equity was redistributed. Also, the accumulation of Base & PMs talk fans a long fantasy of how to securitize Zim with its 40+ variety. Buoy the economy with liquidity in 1 move 
Rank: Chief Joined: 1/13/2011 Posts: 5,964
hisah wrote:Wow! I never thought that I'd see such an experiment in my life time... CFR proposes “Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People" And what happens to banks? This is a bank bypass move? imagine getting credit from a CB like a commercial bank does for onward lending. Crazy stuff?! A solid admission that the global monetary system has failed to shake off the GFC disaster! This experiment will definite spike inflation which has refused to rise with the record printing by CBs in QE form as the money refused to trickle down to the bottom of the pyramid. Now the CB will hand out money to that level. Inflation galore which is what they want anyway to boost spending/consumerism!? Hyperinflation coming up if inflation spikes uncontrollably... http://www.mining.com/we...-very-bullish-for-gold/
Flagging @kk @kizee1 @scubidu @cde @deal @mwekezaji @vvs - central banking goes nuts during our lifetime!? If we went back to basics, which at this point is very scary, of what is money, then we can remember that money is designed to be scarce. Why people engage in economic activities. I've been through this hyper-inflation - Zim Edition. Best thing is indeed to re-balance this global system.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/13/2006 Posts: 551 Location: Nairobi
hisah wrote:karanjakinuthia wrote:"The breakout of the U.S. Dollar/Shilling over the 88 level was right on time. We'll need to watch the week of 20th November, 2014 for a turning point. It seems volatility will rise as we head to November...." Read more: http://www.scribd.com/do...37749736/Kenya-Shilling
The likelihood of testing 120 as per the longterm channel gives me the chills That move will throw a nasty curve ball at KE equities.
An expensive USD period is coming due to a likely rate hike by the fed, which will catch many offguard! @Hisah. You are correct that interest rate increases in the US will be bullish long-term for the US Dollar. Blend this with global unrest/war and a garnishment of the sovereign debt crisis and you have the makings of 1931 when the Dollar appreciated by 35% at the onset of the crisis in a flight to safety. We need to watch Russia and its effects on the markets as we approach Sunday, 31st of August 2014.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/26/2012 Posts: 15,980
The Italian job is getting tricky Its still Spainful"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore .
Rank: Chief Joined: 1/13/2011 Posts: 5,964
We can add this 'Hyperinflation made in Germany' for more perspective. Economic history: Germany's hyperinflation-phobia http://www.economist.com...ys_hyperinflation_phobia
Rank: Member Joined: 11/13/2006 Posts: 551 Location: Nairobi
hisah wrote:Wow! I never thought that I'd see such an experiment in my life time... CFR proposes “Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People" And what happens to banks? This is a bank bypass move? imagine getting credit from a CB like a commercial bank does for onward lending. Crazy stuff?! A solid admission that the global monetary system has failed to shake off the GFC disaster! This experiment will definite spike inflation which has refused to rise with the record printing by CBs in QE form as the money refused to trickle down to the bottom of the pyramid. Now the CB will hand out money to that level. Inflation galore which is what they want anyway to boost spending/consumerism!? Hyperinflation coming up if inflation spikes uncontrollably... http://www.mining.com/we...-very-bullish-for-gold/
Flagging @kk @kizee1 @scubidu @cde @deal @mwekezaji @vvs - central banking goes nuts during our lifetime!? @Hisah. This is a throwback to Liberalitas during Roman times. In ancient Roman culture, liberalitas was the virtue of giving without restraint (from liber, "free"), hence generosity. On coins, a political leader of the Roman Republic or an emperor of the Imperial era may be depicted as showcasing largess to the Roman people, with liberalitas embodied as a goddess at his side. You can see this depicted on Roman coins such as those of Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, LIBERAL AVG III below, Hadrian seated on platform distributing money to citizen in toga:  Balbinus Denarius. 238 AD. IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVGVSTORVM, Liberalitas standing left holding coin counter & cornucopiae:  Severus Alexander AV Aureus. Struck 226 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from front / P M TR P V COS II P P, LIB AVG III in exergue, Severus Alexander, laureate and togate, seated left on curule chair set on low daïs, extending right hand to small figure climbing stairs holding out fold of toga to receive tessera; Liberalitas standing to left, holding abacus and cornucopiae.  History rhymes.
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
karanjakinuthia wrote:hisah wrote:Wow! I never thought that I'd see such an experiment in my life time... CFR proposes “Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People" And what happens to banks? This is a bank bypass move? imagine getting credit from a CB like a commercial bank does for onward lending. Crazy stuff?! A solid admission that the global monetary system has failed to shake off the GFC disaster! This experiment will definite spike inflation which has refused to rise with the record printing by CBs in QE form as the money refused to trickle down to the bottom of the pyramid. Now the CB will hand out money to that level. Inflation galore which is what they want anyway to boost spending/consumerism!? Hyperinflation coming up if inflation spikes uncontrollably... http://www.mining.com/we...-very-bullish-for-gold/
Flagging @kk @kizee1 @scubidu @cde @deal @mwekezaji @vvs - central banking goes nuts during our lifetime!? @Hisah. This is a throwback to Liberalitas during Roman times. In ancient Roman culture, liberalitas was the virtue of giving without restraint (from liber, "free"), hence generosity. On coins, a political leader of the Roman Republic or an emperor of the Imperial era may be depicted as showcasing largess to the Roman people, with liberalitas embodied as a goddess at his side. You can see this depicted on Roman coins such as those of Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, LIBERAL AVG III below, Hadrian seated on platform distributing money to citizen in toga:  Balbinus Denarius. 238 AD. IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVGVSTORVM, Liberalitas standing left holding coin counter & cornucopiae:  Severus Alexander AV Aureus. Struck 226 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from front / P M TR P V COS II P P, LIB AVG III in exergue, Severus Alexander, laureate and togate, seated left on curule chair set on low daïs, extending right hand to small figure climbing stairs holding out fold of toga to receive tessera; Liberalitas standing to left, holding abacus and cornucopiae.  History rhymes. Repeating patterns indeed  $15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Rank: Chief Joined: 1/13/2011 Posts: 5,964
Interesting read here too. Afro-Global perspective. Deep in culture, history and futuristic insights. Yoweri Museveni: Why Africa Must Unite Politically http://www.africanglobe....rica-unite-politically/
My take is we let Africa integrate socio-economically 1st. Let the people & business interact 1st. Politics at the very last (if at all). Internals can be duni enough as they are to extrapolate wider.
Rank: Chief Joined: 1/13/2011 Posts: 5,964
Seems a lot more are playing Sangoma. @hisah this one comes with cartoons  #TBT Playing Nostradamus - Big data show that history does indeed repeat itself. What does that mean for foreign policymaking -- http://www.foreignpolicy...ine_syria_big_data_gdelt
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
[quote=Cde Monomotapa]Seems a lot more are playing Sangoma. @hisah this one comes with cartoons  #TBT Playing Nostradamus - Big data show that history does indeed repeat itself. What does that mean for foreign policymaking -- http://www.foreignpolicy...ne_syria_big_data_gdelt[/quote] $15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Rank: Member Joined: 11/13/2006 Posts: 551 Location: Nairobi
"During the month of August, the Russian Ruble broke out above the weekly resistance level at 36.7658. The close of July saw the default of Argentina while the 4th of August saw Ghana approaching the IMF for a bailout. These events revolved around the August 3rd turning point...." Read more: http://www.scribd.com/do...urrency-Chart-in-Europe
Rank: Member Joined: 3/23/2011 Posts: 304
Came across an interesting fact about Alibaba: "Jack Ma is preparing to list Alibaba Group for an IPO during a record rally for U.S. stocks after doing the same thing seven years ago, when Alibaba.com Ltd. went public in Hong Kong a week after the Hang Seng Index hit an all-time high. By the end of 2008, the Hang Seng had slumped 55% and the company lost more than $20b Sovereign yields higher." You dont have to be great to START but you have to start to be GREAT!!!!!!!!
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
alutacontinua wrote:Came across an interesting fact about Alibaba:
"Jack Ma is preparing to list Alibaba Group for an IPO during a record rally for U.S. stocks after doing the same thing seven years ago, when Alibaba.com Ltd. went public in Hong Kong a week after the Hang Seng Index hit an all-time high. By the end of 2008, the Hang Seng had slumped 55% and the company lost more than $20b Sovereign yields higher."
Exactly! The 40 thieves are about to pounce...$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Rank: Member Joined: 3/23/2011 Posts: 304
hisah wrote:alutacontinua wrote:Came across an interesting fact about Alibaba:
"Jack Ma is preparing to list Alibaba Group for an IPO during a record rally for U.S. stocks after doing the same thing seven years ago, when Alibaba.com Ltd. went public in Hong Kong a week after the Hang Seng Index hit an all-time high. By the end of 2008, the Hang Seng had slumped 55% and the company lost more than $20b Sovereign yields higher."
Exactly! The 40 thieves are about to pounce... Also noted that E-Mini weekly volume last week was lowest since April 2007 yet it hit an all time high https://twitter.com/nane...7181514275434496/photo/1You dont have to be great to START but you have to start to be GREAT!!!!!!!!
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
Argentina defaulted. No problem! The chingman is now setting up yuan swaps with the argentines. The petrodollar hegemony bypass continues... http://www.reuters.com/a...N0R80L120140907?irpc=932$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Rank: Member Joined: 2/7/2014 Posts: 155
These guys are indicating that the market is showing signs of 1929 and 2009.... http://www.marketviews.c...y-markets-need-support/
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
The only difference this time is record low interest rates and central banks buying stocks! How long they can sustain this is the missing part of the equation. But it is obvious that this is a futile effort which will lead to worse financial ruin when the music stops.$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Rank: Member Joined: 2/7/2014 Posts: 155
hisah wrote:The only difference this time is record low interest rates and central banks buying stocks! How long they can sustain this is the missing part of the equation. But it is obvious that this is a futile effort which will lead to worse financial ruin when the music stops. @hisah, the part for central banks buys stocks is the biggest shocker for me.What to do with this market?, i wish i knew how to read all these charts and interpret them alongside market emotions.
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/4/2010 Posts: 8,977
kasibitta wrote:hisah wrote:The only difference this time is record low interest rates and central banks buying stocks! How long they can sustain this is the missing part of the equation. But it is obvious that this is a futile effort which will lead to worse financial ruin when the music stops. @hisah, the part for central banks buys stocks is the biggest shocker for me.What to do with this market?, i wish i knew how to read all these charts and interpret them alongside market emotions. You can check here - http://www.wazua.co.ke/f...spx?g=posts&t=30264
And here - http://www.distressedvol...-cme-emini-futures.html
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
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