Hi Wazuans,
I just want to float an idea out there.
I am thinking of an idea of a NSE stocks simulator, where you get a particular amount of virtual currency to trade in the NSE. Something like the Wazua faNtaSEy game but with more features, e.g tracking the NSE 20 share or all share index, investing in bonds, etc.
The basic aim would be to make the stock market familiar to more people since it is intimidating to a majority of people out there.
If this were to exist, would you use it?
Do you think this would be a good route to introduce more people to the stock market, thus increasing awareness and local participation?
Any features you would like to see implemented?
Constructive replies please.
Thanks all.
The smart man learns the truth and screams it at others to try to change their mind to his own lifestyle’s detriment. The wise man learns the truth and applies it to his life. Others learn the truth from watching him.