@All the story goes as follows:
--StocksKenya first organized a meet at Pizza Garden, and Ted asked for a favour whether I could facilitate presentation and games. Mlefu, Albertross, Ikonini etc. were in attendance.
--Said I'd no idea how StocksKenya worked and he told me to use an old test user name to learn so I could help. And the rest is history.
--Hence my reply to Njunge in the post "Unseating a dominant rival"
Quote:I hear you @Njung'e, and I also believe the secret to success is (T)iming. I wait to hear what @Mukiha says, it may just be the answer to Safaricom's dominance for example...
And now for a riddle - though one of my names once started with a (T), not even my middle name has a (T) in it now...?!
--Years later, saw how much work has gone into Wazua and now participating more. Sure that a Wazua Mbuzi should sort it all out!