Highly experienced folks within any industry will always tell the young ones "Work Hard, Get Experience, Money will follow You".
Well, I have been told this severally as well. Does this "ALWAYS" work? And particularly, I seek answer the following questions...
1. How Hard.
2. For How long.
Of course, these are relative, but would be interesting to hear stories from within, of how, you once "humbled" yourself, toiled, and the MONEY actually followed you (and that after some point, you didn't have to make effort). Did you ever get tired? Whether employed or Self-Employed.
"I know a friend" stories are also welcomed, so long as they are Legit.
While not every beginner wants to get Rich overnight, I find this mentality not very honest.
(How Hard, How Long????????)....
Life is joy, death is peace, but the transition is very difficult.