MaichBlack wrote:hisah wrote:I can see @genghiscapital has this update on their twitpic... Is this real?
How many other brokers have this option? Even if they don't, now they will. It's a keep up or perish environment out here in the 'jungle'!!
I have lifted this from my email, sent from CfC Stanbic Financial Services on 01/02/2013.
1. Deposits will reflect in your CDS account after 24 hours.
2. You will need to send us details of the transaction to our email,
The details should include the transaction number, CDS account number, funds deposited and when the deposit was done. We need to do this in the initial stages to ensure that the process is timely.
The steps below will guide you on the deposit process.
PS: Account Number is CDS account number, M-Pesa Business Number - 600102