Prenatal advisory - This is probably true.haya, my version of events:
1. at the beginning of 2009, stockskenya were approached by someone who wanted to buy their website. SK admin was like
'Hell no! But on second thoughts, if you show me the money, i will show you...CENSORED. but on one condition, i keep my name' mnunuzi a.k.a. founder of wazua republic went like '
sawa. mpango iko kwako.'
2. anyhow, with money in the bank, the issue now was how to 'do it' i.e. handover the business without handing over the name. the answer? announce a site upgrade and start to prepare members. members here meaning elders, veterans, members, membas??? and newbees.
3. the grand SK-wazua coalition wakasorora hiyo mpango wakaona there was need to have an inside man to manage the process. kwa hivyo enter @akowally! this guy started to provide so much free info to jamaas the only question was how much was he being paid. haki! have you noticed admin rarely responds to @akowally's questions but almost always acts on his requests? he was meant to midwife the process. @akowally wewe ni beste kwa hivyo usichukulie vibaya. hii ni investigative reporting, The Standard style!
4. to further prove my conspiracy theory that the site was sold, following the uproar on the launch of Wazimua, there was initially an admin under the user name wazua then later another admin akajitokeza under user name stockskenya and his first statement was 'i have been silent until now...'. meaning these are two different people?
5. conclusion - we are a capitalist society. the highest bidder wins.
Postnatal advisory - This is probably NOT what is your version of the events?
now back to Guest status. WAZadmin, as i said before, P-R-I-V-A-C-Y.
Katika Jangwa la Jangili ndipo Pwagu hupata Pwaguzi.