>> I feel i should pay the SK admin a tribute for having provided a platform for us to grow with them. To the guys who started this site ( Josiah, Edwin and Ted ), you had a noble idea and thanks for letting kenyans be, for the Sk really embodied the splendour and heritage in us....I stumbled upon Sk by chance and I was hungry for information on stocks. Thanks to you I gained immense knowledge on stocks, vehicles, business ideas, pennywise, motorbikes, learnt from life experiences of others and much more. Am betteroff and much wiser coz of Sk.....For all that you didn't ask for a penny and i never subscribed for anything. People made business connections and lasting friendships, courtesy of this site..........IN RETURN, i vowed my loyalty to you, i was faithful and had a relationship. I invested a lot of time and money to access your site. I helped generate traffic, marketed Sk like my own business, and was recipient to the advertisements. I asked for nothing in return, and the relationship was mutual......