Hey Ric.howz UK doing for you.
Nokia -Alcatel??there is no such merger in telecoms...not thatI have heard of!!I think what you are referring to is Nokia-siemens who hav won a five year contract to manage network operations for ZAIN East africa (Ken, Ug & Tz.)Romour has it that Nokia siemens aka NSN have been awarded the contract with the intent of rolling out 3G for the 3 network operators but word on the ground has it that Zain-Tz are currently rolling out Huawei 3G BTSs.
I am not sure when Zain-kenya plans to roll out 3g coz upto now they haven't acquired the 3G license from CCK.anyway not to worry we shall know what NSN has to offer to Zain Ken before the end of the year.
......If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart....