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Divide and rule
#1 Posted : Thursday, March 27, 2014 4:45:37 AM
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I came across this article and while I was reading it, it dawned on me what all this hullabaloo about homosexuality really is about. I have always wondered, how come ten years ago there was not as much hysteria around homosexuality as there is now. Does it mean that there were no homosexuals in the past? A quick search revealed that homosexuality has been present in virtually every society since the ancient times. So why the sudden hysteria in the past couple years? Its not that homosexuals have increased in number, like the media would have us believe, its that the media is acting as an agent to creating illusions and misperceptions. The sad bit about this, is that its this new reality that then increases the number of homosexuals and it becomes a recurring cycle. This is the classic divide and rule script. Step 1 invade your subjects territory. Step 2 create confusion by creating illusions. Step 3 make sure your subjects stay fearful and suspicious of each other. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about divide and rule

Elements of this technique involve:
creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign
aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the sovereign
fostering distrust and enmity between local rulers

Reading this Nation article made me realize what I have suspected all along. The gay people are just pawns in this game, they are in essence being used to attain bigger goals. For capitalism to thrive, there must be non cooperation and mistrust among the subjects. This is not to say that there are no genuine homosexuals, the point is their cause has been hijacked, and they are just being used as pawns. This divide and rule strategy has worked since the days of slavery and can be widely seen at work among the African Americans. There used to be unity among them but about 10 to 15 years ago they have slowly degenerated to outright contempt for each other. It started out with the men vs women battle which soon became the white women vs black women battle. This is the era when media portrayed African American men as preferring and marrying white women than African American women, this is the era when that famous magazine response was written to the white woman for taunting AA women about taking their men. Anyways marriage statistics and research showed that majority of AA men actually marry AA women, but the damage had already been done, and to this day that misperception still exists. Next the media embarked on portraying AA men as being on the down low, and once again there was hysteria with even Oprah joining in to the circus. Once again, its not that men on the down low do not exist, the question is what percentage are they? Is it a significant number? And most importantly, why the mass hysteria now? Did they not exist in the past? Classic divide and rule was at play once again to the point that apprehension and suspicion so big has been created between AA men and women, that if you go into the inner ghettoes, there is no concept of relationships leave alone marriage. And guess what? Divide and rule is now being introduced slowly in Africa, same game different cast. My biggest worry is that Africans will be reactive rather than proactive, and by the time Africans realize what is going on, it may be too late. Ask yourself, what is the objective of this Nation article and the numerous books on homosexuality, and the numerous "celebrities" who come on our screens to tell us they are gay? You may not care about what they have to say, but guess what, you are not the target audience. The target audience are the young people and your children, the seeds of hate and suspicion are being sown in them such that 20 years from now African youth will have caught up with their AA counterparts in being suspicious of the opposite sex. Divide and conquer has been effectively used for millennia, but the sad part is we never realize that its being used until after the desired results have long been accomplished. Here is the Willie Lynch letter

And here is the Nation article. The purpose of this article and many others is to invoke fear and distrust among the women about their male spouses, which will culminate after multiple amounts of conditioning, into outright hate for the menfolk. Who is the big winner after all this? Capitalism!

#2 Posted : Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:38:44 AM
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Great insight @nabwire. Is this divide and rule being used in others areas of life too?
Chief Guest
#3 Posted : Thursday, March 27, 2014 9:22:47 AM
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AlphDoti wrote:
Great insight @nabwire. Is this divide and rule being used in others areas of life too?

You mean areas like religion?
#4 Posted : Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:19:37 AM
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AlphaDoti, yes divide and rule touches on almost every aspect of modern day man.
#5 Posted : Thursday, March 27, 2014 9:15:23 PM
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Nabwire wrote:
AlphaDoti, yes divide and rule touches on almost every aspect of modern day man.

#6 Posted : Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:43:19 PM
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I just think that I am morally obligated to say this. Ladies please guard your minds, be careful what you watch, what you read and who you let influence you. Garbage in, garbage out. I know the world is constantly trying to tell you who you are, and the world will change you slowly and the sad part is you will not know that this is happening until when the transformation is complete. My advise is stop reading magazines as if they are the Bible, stop watching tv shows and basing your life on them and stop letting people you don't know and will never meet influence the trajectory of your life, just because they are famous or in the media. Rather than reading the Cosmopolitan, pick up a business magazine, you may not get what they are talking about at first but with repetition you will eventually learn. The Cosmopolitan will cost you money while The Wall Street journal will make you money.
Be the pillar of your household especially if you are married. When reading newspaper opinions of others, always ask what the objective is? Don't base your life on someone else's opinion, and most importantly don't let your marriage crumble based on an outsider's opinion. The best advice I ever got was a friend told me to stop watching tv. At the time I thought she was mad because I was a tv junkie and could not fathom going a day leave a week that she asked me to go without tv. Digital migration forced to me let go of cable because the modem I bought only showed PBS shows. And thus began my slow transition away from tv and I am happy to say that I now do not watch tv at all, I got rid of the box thanks to my friend who planted that idea in me. If your life consists of sitting infront of the box and watching reality tv for hours on end, you are doing yourself and your family a disservice. Not to mention the high rates of depression that have been associated with this behavior. Your mind is a muscle, feed it well and exercise it, don't feed it junk if you want to succeed in life.
#7 Posted : Sunday, March 30, 2014 8:40:21 AM
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@Nabwire, I can agree with you that Capitalism stands to gain in this homosexual 'campaign' by virtue of increasing individual rights across the globe. Isn't this a good thing?

But am finding it difficult to believe that the Capitalist system can thrive with increased mistrust and broken families. Certainly increased mistrust and broken families must follow the path of increased individual rights, but isn't it a temporary phase that will be replaced by a 'new social order'? And won't this emerging social order undermine Capitalism?

I don't like your recommendation to women and all of us in general about ditching the TV set for business magazines. Personally I don't watch TV, but neither do I think business magazines can be of much help in liberating my mind and soul for whatever that's on TV is a product or runs along the ideas on the magazines. That is, your recommendations are still reactive.

But what is your objective? I think you are trying to find balance within yourself in a world that's 'full of turmoil' just like I'm trying to do and you want to engage in a conversation that will clarify matters. I like that.

Here I am. If you don't mind.
#8 Posted : Sunday, March 30, 2014 9:29:34 AM
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@Nabwire I like what you have said regarding the need for people to stop basing their lives on the idiot box .However I would say that the same applies to men as it does to women .SO much of our lives are based on what we watch .We should take with a pinch of salt whatever influences are out here be it from books or TV.the divide and rule concept especially has worked with women .Its very common to hear women talk about about how they cannot get along or how women are their own worst enemies etc .These are not scientifically proven facts but rather societal conditioning .This has made women unable to form a coherently unified social force to change some facets of the society that are detrimental to their well being .Look at what happened in parliament recently .As for the gay debate I agree it has become a red herring especially in Africa as a way of taking the masses eyes of other ills that are plaguing the continent. Another divide and rule tactic commonly used is the tribe one
#9 Posted : Tuesday, April 01, 2014 4:44:24 AM
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Tycho you missed my point, any Econ class will clarify to you that Capitalism thrives in broken up homes rather than intact ones.
About the magazines, atleast you will stand to learn something from business magazines, you will learn hardly anything in fashion magazines, just a lot of gossip and idolizing fellow human beings. But I should clarify that I don't watch tv coz I'm busy right now, when I get more time I would watch but selectively. Shark tank is more educational than say Keeping up with the Kardashians. Yes they are reactive recommendations, but they are a baby step away from the norm.
My objective? Just to shake people out of the stupor created through hours of programming courtesy of the idiot box.
Yoursmile, my point exactly, perception is reality!
#10 Posted : Tuesday, April 01, 2014 5:41:39 AM
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For a moment @Nabwire, you made me think that I have never attended an economics class, or at least studied economics.

But then that's not true, and is perhaps a pointer that it's not that I have failed to understand you, but we seem to differ at least in ideology.

For example, there is ample evidence to show that far from destroying the family Capitalism has been not just been transformed by some kinds of families but that Capitalism has advanced the family. Like, Weber's 'Protestant ethic and the spirit of Capitalism', or http://www.fee.org/the_f...pitalism-and-the-family or even the conservative works of Arthur Lewis.

Perhaps we should also contrast Capitalism to other systems like 'Socialism' or even 'Communism'; do these appear to fare better in family affairs? The latter for example, has this story of a boy who seemingly betrayed his family for the Bolshevik cause (I can't seem to recall his name at the moment).

I have watched that Shark program and if I were to label it, then I'd call it 'capitalist'. So aren't you somehow contradicting yourself when you say that something of value can be derived from it, when in fact, it works to undermine the family?

Am a bit disappointed that your purpose doesn't include waking yourself up also.
#11 Posted : Tuesday, April 01, 2014 9:55:06 AM
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Wewe Tycho acha siasa mingi, just explain to me how Capitalism builds the family. Unless nilisomea kwa dirisha, Capitalism would rather have a broken home, that way instead of one home for father mother and three children, there are two different homes for father and mother, then after some years three different homes for children. Instead of having one house, the economy now has five houses, multiply that by hundreds of thousands of people and you see how the capitalist economy stands to gain from confusion.
You are confusing the capitalist system and the serfs in the system, the former stands to gain from confusion while the latter is just a supplier of labor, from whom the assets necessary to advance one in a capitalist system, he is denied.
This is not an attack on capitalism, its just an explanation of how the system works, so that as a wazuan is aimlessly watching tv, they know what caste in society they are putting themselves in. Capitalism is great, only if you know how the game is played, otherwise it sucks.
Hahaha what makes you think I haven't awoken yet? Would I write this if I was in the lull that majority are in?
#12 Posted : Tuesday, April 01, 2014 9:59:31 AM
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My bishop Oginde had a different take on it - it's Witcraft!!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#13 Posted : Thursday, April 03, 2014 8:20:41 PM
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#14 Posted : Sunday, April 06, 2014 11:05:58 AM
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@Nabwire, hakuna siasa mingi hapa. It's true that Capitalism creates many homes for a family, but how is this wrong? All economic systems that have come before, have had its serfs and laborers, even ants do have a similar structure, and remaining at home to be limited to the family's trade, or to till the master's land does no unqualified favor to the family.

So when we point out that Capitalism is breaking the family because it's creating many homes we are placing a judgment value on what ought not to be judged, or we are judging on unfair grounds.

For one to excel in any 'game' he/she must know the rules and how to use them to his favor. So is it in the case of capitalism. And alas, nowadays, social mobility is rising and more often than not I see Marx being vindicated by the internal contradiction in capitalism. It's just like Derrida's 'deconstruction'.

#15 Posted : Sunday, April 06, 2014 11:12:26 AM
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One rule of the political game is that the distribution of knowledge determines the distribution of power and how power is used. Now more than in the past perhaps, knowledge is becoming more evenly distributed and contention over authority is rising. This is a check against the rise of dystopia. Seeing the dystopia rising is changing it in fact.
#16 Posted : Monday, April 14, 2014 12:51:47 AM
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tycho wrote:

One rule of the political game is that the distribution of knowledge determines the distribution of power and how power is used. Now more than in the past perhaps, knowledge is becoming more evenly distributed and contention over authority is rising. This is a check against the rise of dystopia. Seeing the dystopia rising is changing it in fact.

Information and knowledge is readily available but that doesn't mean it's more evenly distributed.Even if that were the case it is practically useless when there is no desire for and appreciation of it.Thus it is not a check against the rise of dystopia.

If I were to agree that seeing it is changing it then few will glance beyond the avalanche of distractions and even fewer will have the courage to speak about what they see.
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