@dunkang: That is the question.
Growth in (decent) housing is correlated to economic [jobs, income, etc] growth. And if manufacturing is weak, that's not a good sign. Agriculture is also stressed with low levels of coffee produced & exported even with high(er) prices. Tea is going to take a hit with low prices.
Kakuzi has reported poor earnings & says low tea prices hurt. I expect Williamson & Kapchorua to have results far poorer than 2012.
Sugarcane farming in Western/Nyanza is dying a slow but agonizing death.
We have very little extractive industries e.g. mining relative to the size of the economy.
The economic growth is as a result of CONSUMER CONSUMPTION... Unsustainable in the long-term!
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett