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Just for laughs...corner
#2261 Posted : Saturday, March 15, 2014 4:40:14 PM
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Coolio wrote:
Uuuuuuuuuiiiii who is watching the trend? crazy Kenyans behind xyzee!!!


These guys are super funny.Laughing out loudly
#2262 Posted : Saturday, March 15, 2014 7:20:52 PM
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#2263 Posted : Saturday, March 15, 2014 7:23:50 PM
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Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#2264 Posted : Monday, March 17, 2014 10:31:26 PM
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Joined: 1/17/2013
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THIS NOTICE was spotted at KARUMAINDO BAR in Nyeri.
1. Ukifanya order, unaturia, usishide umekubusha waiter, yeye ni mutu mzima anakubuka.
2. Ukirewa urewe peke yako, usianze kuiba nyibo za Kigooco huku. Ukitaka kuiba eda crusade.
3. Huku hakuna dancing floor. Kwa hivo usika dance huku, hii ni bar, sio carnivorous(Carnivore)
4. Urinal ziko. Kukonjoa ni sawa. Ukitaka hanja kumbwa, mariza pobe yako uede ukakumie kwako. Huku hakuna choo. Tunauzaga fobe si Ugari.
5. Kufugia waiter jicho uwache. Unamfugia jicho kwani umeskia ni daktari wa macho.
6. Ukinunuria waiter fobe, sio kumaanicha ati utaeda na yeye kwako. Ako hapa kuuza fobe, sio kuuza mwiri, mununurie nauede.
7. Kumwaga mwaga fobe kwa meza tumekataa! Urinunua ukunywe ama umwage, tumia kongocity!
8. Huku hakuna Maraya. Ukitaka maraya kuja na wako, na akuwe maraya anaereweka tafathari.
9. Wakati Mike Rua ama Salim Junia anaiba, tafathari usiibanishe na yeye. NYAMAZA watu warikuja kusikiza Rua, sio wewe. Ukitaka kuiba, tuabie tukutafutie Saturday yako.
10. Kushika shika waiter matako ni hatia! Shikamatako yako, huku si bedroom.
11. Maneno ya CORD na JUBILEE perekeni Fesbuk. Sio hapa!
12. Kuwekewa mchere kwa fobe si kitu kubwa, ukiwekewa, unaitoa na unaederea na Fobe yako kama kawaida.
13. HAKUNA kurara kwa Meza! Meza sio kitada. Kama umerewa, eda ukarare kwako.
14. Ukiibiwa pesa eda ukastaki kwa borithi, si ati ukuje kusubua Manager.
15. Tip ni razima! Kama pesa yako haitoshi ya tip, razima bill irete shida ama ununue fobe take away ukakunywie kwako.
16. Huku hakuna bouncer! Rakini ukireta nyokonyoko tutakunyorosha kama Mukora.
17. Usitapike huku. Hii ni Bar, sio Clinic ya watoto. Unatapika kwani uko na Miba??
By Management.

smh,ok.Laughing out loudly
#2265 Posted : Monday, March 17, 2014 11:10:44 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
A HUSBAND working in UK wrote
to his wife in India:

Dear Sunita Darling,
I can't send you my salary this
month because the global market
crisis has affected my Company's
performance, so I am sending
100 kisses.
You are my sweetheart, please
understand and adjust with this
Your loving husband

His WIFE replied:

Hey hubby,
Thanks for the 100 kisses.
Below is the list of expenses I
paid with the Kisses

1. The Milk man agreed on 2
kisses for one month's milk.

2. The electricity man, agreed not
to disconnect only after 7 kisses.

3. Your landlord comes every day
to take 2 or 3 kisses instead of
the monthly rent.

4. Supermarket owner did not
accept kisses only,so I gave him
other items, I hope you

5. Miscellaneous expenses 40

Please don't worry about me, I still
have a balance of 35 kisses and
I hope I can survive the month
using this balance.
Shall I plan the same for the next

Your Sweet Heart.
#2266 Posted : Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:52:49 AM
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Joined: 2/7/2007
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Location: Nairobi
Pedes wrote:
Swenani wrote:
This is a touching story please forward it to all
your contacts. A small boy saw a dead cat on his way home from school. Overwhelmed by emotions, he went close to the cat and touched it.
He touched it again. He touched it again, and again and again. He could not stop touching it. On and
on he went on touching it.

Anyway like I said it's a touching story.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Msenjiiiii

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly ....Hii Swenani bure kabisa!smile
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#2267 Posted : Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:35:53 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
BOY:"A, B, C."
BOY:"Always Be Carefull."

GIRL:"Aha then?"

BOY:"D, E, F, G."
GIRL:"Meaning what?"
BOY:"Dont Ever Forget That."

GIRL:"Forget that...?"

BOY:"I'm H, I."
GIRL:"What H, I ?"
BOY:"Happily In love."


BOY:"J, K, L, M."
BOY:"Just Keep Loving Me."

GIRL:"How about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y ,Z...?"
BOY:"No Other Person Quite Reasonable Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee ."
#2268 Posted : Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:57:11 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 3/5/2014
Posts: 59
Location: Nairobi
As usual, this thread does not disappoint. Just made my day. Hahaha!
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#2269 Posted : Tuesday, March 18, 2014 4:21:11 PM
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Joined: 8/15/2013
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washiku wrote:
SWENANI:"Always Be Carefull."

KYSSE:"Aha then?"

KYSSE:"Meaning what?"
SWENANI:"Dont Ever Forget That."

KYSSE:"Forget that...?"

KYSSE:"What H, I ?"
SWENANI:"Happily In love."


SWENANI:"Just Keep Loving Me."

KYSSE:"How about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y ,Z...?"
SWENANI:"No Other Person Quite Reasonable Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee ."

If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#2270 Posted : Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:12:34 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
I once asked my friend, "What is the secret behind your happy married life?" He replied,"You should share responsibilities with due
love, and respect to each other. Then absolutely there will be no problems. "I asked, "Can you explain?"
He said, "In my house, I take decisions on bigger issues whereas my wife decides on smaller issues. We do not interfere in each other's
decisions. "Still not convinced, I asked me him to give me some
He said, "Smaller issues like how many kids to have, the neighbourhood to live, which car we should buy, how much money to save, who, when and where to visit, which sofa, cooker, refrigerator
to buy, monthly expenses, whether to keep a maid or not, where to go for holidays, whose mum we should visit etc, etc, are decided by my wife. I just agree to it."
I then asked, "So then what is your role?” He said, "My decisions are
only for very big issues. Like whether America should attack Iran, the
uranium enrichment in North Korea, whether Britain should lift
sanctions against Zimbabwe, how to fully exploit Africa's economic
and intellectual potential, whether Yoweri Museveni and Barack Obama should retire, whether Arsenal FC needs to buy new players or change their coach to improve their play, whether Usain Bolt should retire now-while still at his prime etc, etc. My wife never objects to
any of these decisions and we live happily!"
#2271 Posted : Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:14:11 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
Swenani wrote:
washiku wrote:
SWENANI:"Always Be Carefull."

KYSSE:"Aha then?"

KYSSE:"Meaning what?"
SWENANI:"Dont Ever Forget That."

KYSSE:"Forget that...?"

KYSSE:"What H, I ?"
SWENANI:"Happily In love."


SWENANI:"Just Keep Loving Me."

KYSSE:"How about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y ,Z...?"
SWENANI:"No Other Person Quite Reasonable Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee ."

smile smile
#2272 Posted : Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:50:06 AM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095

.. Kunyolewa ni 2sok, kwani nanyolewa hadi ujinga?

.. Elimu ni ngao, kwani tunaenda vita?

.. Rurashio 1m, kwani anakam na mpango wa kando?

.. Kitunguu 20bob, kwani iko na nyanya ndani?

.. Kuona daktari 2k, kwani ako uchi?

.. Bra 5sok, kwani ni longsleeve?

.. Gazeti 70bob, kwani ni 3D?📰

.. Eti trao thao, kwani itakuwa inaanua hizo zingine kukinyesha?👖

.. Uko saved, kwani sisi tuko recycle bin?🚮

.. Donut 20bob, kwani nakula hadi shimo lake?🍩

.. Padz 1k, kwani iko na drainage system?🙈

.. Nyama quarter 2sok, kwani inafungwo na gazeti ya kesho?🍖🍗

.. Smoking kills slowly, kwani nani ako na haraka ya kufa?

.. Success card 2sok, kwani inakam na mwakenya?

.. Samaki 5sok, kwani ni ile ilimeza Jonah?🐋

.. Coffin 90k, kwani ni self contained?

.. Chapo 50bob, kwani imepikwa na nivea?🍪

.. Mirror 2sok, kwani ni touch?🌌
#2273 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 9:49:57 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 5/21/2013
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Location: Here
Ctrl C, Ctrl V from a neighboring village:

My prayer is that our children will not translate the bible
into sheng. Barikiwa sana as you read because may be in for a long, rough ride.

This one made me laugh!

Luke 19: 1-10

'Luke Kumi na tisa, moja hadi ashuu.'

Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho .
--Basi Yesu akapenya Jeri na alikuwa akipitia tuu.

Now behold,there was a man called Zaccheus who was the Chief Tax collector and was rich.
--Basi kulikuwa na msee mmoja anaitwa Zaka . Huyu Zaka alikuwa dongra wa kukwachu munde, na alikuwa sonko vibaya

And he sought to see who Jesus was, but he couldn't because of the crowd,for he was a short man.
--Zaka alijisikia kusorora huyu Yesu ,lakini wapi ju ya ile kerende:alikuwa ka-pici!

So he ran ahead and climbed up a sycamore tree to see Him for he was going in that direction.
--Zaka akajishanora akadandia miti ndio asorore vipoa juu alikuwa akikwome hiyo side.

And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him
--Basi Yesu aligallivant akafika hiyo baze,akachi-ek mabatini akamyebi na kumshow niaje?

'Zacchaeus,make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house'
--'Zaka dondoka faster faster juu leo lazima ni maintain kwa keja yako'.

Stay blessed.
Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
#2274 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 10:47:22 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 11/12/2007
Posts: 391

1. Guys it's scary, Lot's wife just turned into a pillar of salt! Woi? #? Shaking?

2. One of Jesus' disciples post: What a long day….Walking and preaching the gospel. Now chilling with my brothers. These guys are funny aki... (LLP) Laughing Like Pharaoh........ ?#? SMH?

3. Just chilling in first class at Noah's ark, the view here is fantastic.. But these Lions keep staring at me weirdly. ?#? Noah’s voyage

4. O M G!!!! The red sea just parted before my eyes. You guys should see this!! Instagram pap! #? shocked4Days?

5. Chilling with Moses at Mt. Sinai guys. There's some miracle going on here... #? Ku Receive Manna from heaven NAYO!!!

6. Eve and her hubby got banished, ati they ate the forbidden fruit. I mean who does that? ‪#‎SMH‬

7. Jacob’s status: Things we do for love, can't believe I worked for her father for 14 years just to get her. Love you Rachel. ?#? FeelingInLove...

8. Some people are so cruel....Sasa kama Cain...how do you kill your own brother??#? RIPAbel... #? NKT?

9. Njaa nayo??...ni kubaya but thank God Mchungaji has done a miracle here!! Can’t believe it guys… multiplied 5 loaves n fish???...sasa ni kushiba.
10 Judas update….Leo niko na deal deadly ya bizna…..can’t imagine 30M in just minutes!!...Feelanga blessed@ Gethsemane

Age is transforming me into an Elder;becoz Admin hasn't made me one.
#2275 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 11:02:01 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 6/26/2008
Posts: 365
MADE wrote:

1. Guys it's scary, Lot's wife just turned into a pillar of salt! Woi? #? Shaking?

2. One of Jesus' disciples post: What a long day….Walking and preaching the gospel. Now chilling with my brothers. These guys are funny aki... (LLP) Laughing Like Pharaoh........ ?#? SMH?

3. Just chilling in first class at Noah's ark, the view here is fantastic.. But these Lions keep staring at me weirdly. ?#? Noah’s voyage

4. O M G!!!! The red sea just parted before my eyes. You guys should see this!! Instagram pap! #? shocked4Days?

5. Chilling with Moses at Mt. Sinai guys. There's some miracle going on here... #? Ku Receive Manna from heaven NAYO!!!

6. Eve and her hubby got banished, ati they ate the forbidden fruit. I mean who does that? ‪#‎SMH‬

7. Jacob’s status: Things we do for love, can't believe I worked for her father for 14 years just to get her. Love you Rachel. ?#? FeelingInLove...

8. Some people are so cruel....Sasa kama Cain...how do you kill your own brother??#? RIPAbel... #? NKT?

9. Njaa nayo??...ni kubaya but thank God Mchungaji has done a miracle here!! Can’t believe it guys… multiplied 5 loaves n fish???...sasa ni kushiba.
10 Judas update….Leo niko na deal deadly ya bizna…..can’t imagine 30M in just minutes!!...Feelanga blessed@ Gethsemane

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love - Maya Angelou
#2276 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 11:07:29 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 12/4/2009
Posts: 1,982
Location: matano manne
washiku wrote:

.. Kunyolewa ni 2sok, kwani nanyolewa hadi ujinga?

.. Elimu ni ngao, kwani tunaenda vita?

.. Rurashio 1m, kwani anakam na mpango wa kando?

.. Kitunguu 20bob, kwani iko na nyanya ndani?

.. Kuona daktari 2k, kwani ako uchi?

.. Bra 5sok, kwani ni longsleeve?

.. Gazeti 70bob, kwani ni 3D?📰

.. Eti trao thao, kwani itakuwa inaanua hizo zingine kukinyesha?👖

.. Uko saved, kwani sisi tuko recycle bin?🚮

.. Donut 20bob, kwani nakula hadi shimo lake?🍩

.. Padz 1k, kwani iko na drainage system?🙈

.. Nyama quarter 2sok, kwani inafungwo na gazeti ya kesho?🍖🍗

.. Smoking kills slowly, kwani nani ako na haraka ya kufa?

.. Success card 2sok, kwani inakam na mwakenya?

.. Samaki 5sok, kwani ni ile ilimeza Jonah?🐋

.. Coffin 90k, kwani ni self contained?

.. Chapo 50bob, kwani imepikwa na nivea?🍪

.. Mirror 2sok, kwani ni touch?🌌

This one got me ribs crackingLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#2277 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 10:27:34 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 5/21/2013
Posts: 2,841
Location: Here
Jacy26 wrote:
MADE wrote:

1. Guys it's scary, Lot's wife just turned into a pillar of salt! Woi? #? Shaking?

2. One of Jesus' disciples post: What a long day….Walking and preaching the gospel. Now chilling with my brothers. These guys are funny aki... (LLP) Laughing Like Pharaoh........ ?#? SMH?

3. Just chilling in first class at Noah's ark, the view here is fantastic.. But these Lions keep staring at me weirdly. ?#? Noah’s voyage

4. O M G!!!! The red sea just parted before my eyes. You guys should see this!! Instagram pap! #? shocked4Days?

5. Chilling with Moses at Mt. Sinai guys. There's some miracle going on here... #? Ku Receive Manna from heaven NAYO!!!

6. Eve and her hubby got banished, ati they ate the forbidden fruit. I mean who does that? ‪#‎SMH‬

7. Jacob’s status: Things we do for love, can't believe I worked for her father for 14 years just to get her. Love you Rachel. ?#? FeelingInLove...

8. Some people are so cruel....Sasa kama Cain...how do you kill your own brother??#? RIPAbel... #? NKT?

9. Njaa nayo??...ni kubaya but thank God Mchungaji has done a miracle here!! Can’t believe it guys… multiplied 5 loaves n fish???...sasa ni kushiba.
10 Judas update….Leo niko na deal deadly ya bizna…..can’t imagine 30M in just minutes!!...Feelanga blessed@ Gethsemane

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
#2278 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 11:03:15 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
A very sad Chinese story: 朣楢琴执㝧执瑩浻牡楧㩮㔱硰执㝧执獧浻牡楧敬瑦瀰絸朣杢㑳执獧扻捡杫潲湵潣潬㩲昣昸昸㬸慢正牧畯摮椭慭敧敷止瑩札慲楤湥楬敮牡氬晥⁴潴敬瑦戠瑯潴牦浯㡦㡦㡦潴捥捥捥戻捡杫潲湵浩条㩥眭扥楫楬敮牡札慲楤湥潴昣昸昸攣散散戻捡杫潲湵浩条㩥洭穯氭湩慥牧摡敩瑮琨灯㡦㡦㡦捥捥捥㬩慢正牧畯摮椭慭敧獭氭湩慥牧摡敩瑮琨灯㡦㡦㡦捥捥捥㬩慢正牧畯摮椭慭敧楬敮牡札慲楤湥潴昣昸昸攣散散戻捡杫潲湵浩条㩥楬敮牡札慲楤湥潴昣昸昸攣散散汩整㩲牰杯摩䐺䥘慭敧牔湡晳牯楍牣獯景牧摡敩瑮猨慴瑲潃潬卲牴昣昸昸䔬摮潃潬卲牴攣散散㬩潢摲牥硰猠汯摩⌠㙣㙣㙣搻獩汰祡戺潬正潭潢摲牥爭摡畩㩳瀲㭸漭戭牯敤慲楤獵㈺硰敷止瑩戭牯敤慲楤獵㈺硰戻牯敤慲楤獵㈺硰执獧搴摻獩汰祡戺潬正瀻獯瑩潩㩮敲慬楴敶执獧搴筮楤灳慬㩹湩楬敮戭潬正漻敶晲潬 I am already crying Especially that part when she said: 汦睯攺
#2279 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 11:07:06 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095

1. Wheelbarrow - Hurubaro..

2. Diesel - dithoro..

3. Sunday School - Sade Skoo

4. Avocado - Ovacado / Macodofia / maguna nguii

5. Cholmondeley -
Koromondo.Shoromondo.Shomondree.AAAAGH, Kamundu kau

6. Ushindwe - Chidwo...

7. Pupils- pyupos

8. Charles - sharothi..

9. Jesse - jaythii..

10. Josiah - Johthia..

11. Grace - Girithiii.

12. Coolio - Kuria.

13. Eminem - Munene

14. Touch Me Lord - Tash Me Rod.

15. Utawekelewa - utaekerewo

16. Agriculture - ngirigasha.

17. Parallelogram - parrrrrrgram..

18. Peripheral - ferferi.

19. Minerals - minroz

20. Dyslexia - kerea..

21. Scotland - Thogoto.

22. Pumbavu - Kubafu

23. Walikuja wakishikilia bunduki - Marikuja makishikiria bonoko

#2280 Posted : Friday, March 21, 2014 11:48:50 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
A japanese couple argued heavily in public.
Husband: takamushi jiku.
Wife: hashi jiku mishihe.
Husband: inamoto kushini hatapi.
Wife: jejeta takuna mota shinita.
Husband: kituya sitina kutara.
Wife:saka weretuna joku.
Husband: ji taka mushi.
Wife: totori yatika muniya.
You are still reading as if you understand Japanese, be serious!! Nkt
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