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Safaricom, Airtel buy out Yu mobile
#21 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 7:09:43 AM
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Orange inherited telcom kenya staff who stink inefficiency unlike other telcos which have more fresh i.t brains.
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#22 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 9:01:45 AM
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Unsustainable business model leads to death of a whole industry. Who will be next? In which sector?
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#23 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 9:44:03 AM
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Orange runs an offensive calling advert on media against safcom, and i think the relationship isnt cordial,safcom is more inclined to airtel who was the biggest enemy than orange and soon equity might join the list of safcom enemies.
"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."
Much Know
#24 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 10:25:04 AM
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This company would have survived if it had used "local talent", i suppose however "the local business community" miss-advised them, that you cant trust nywele ngumu, hasara huenda na ufala!
Meru Holiness
#25 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 10:27:57 AM
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mlennyma wrote:
Orange runs an offensive calling advert on media against safcom, and i think the relationship isnt cordial,safcom is more inclined to airtel who was the biggest enemy than orange and soon equity might join the list of safcom enemies.
How is the Orange Ad offensive?
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett
#26 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 12:00:04 PM
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Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."
#27 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 12:59:31 PM
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mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett
#28 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 7:14:23 PM
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Sasa kwa nini wamezima sim card yangu ya Yu? Ati they will force me kuhamia to Airtel. Apana. Orange here I come.
#29 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 8:37:18 PM
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VituVingiSana wrote:
mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?

Seriously @vvs??? They are DIRECTLY attacking Safcom! Or what qualifies as 'offensive' in your book? It's like going for an interview and instead of talking about what you can bring to the company you start bad mouthing one of the interviewees!!!

Anyway, Airtel [Or whatever name the company was going by at the time] tried it - with a bigger war chest - and failed miserably! I can still remember the [two - three] full page ads!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#30 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 8:44:21 PM
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VituVingiSana wrote:
mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?

Seriously @vvs??? They are DIRECTLY attacking Safcom! Or what qualifies as 'offensive' in your book? It's like going for an interview and instead of talking about what you can bring to the company you start bad mouthing one of the interviewees!!!

Anyway, Airtel [Or whatever name the company was going by at the time] tried it - with a bigger war chest - and failed miserably! I can still remember the [two - three] full page ads!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#31 Posted : Monday, March 03, 2014 8:51:15 PM
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MaichBlack wrote:
VituVingiSana wrote:
mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?

Seriously @vvs??? They are DIRECTLY attacking Safcom! Or what qualifies as 'offensive' in your book? It's like going for an interview and instead of talking about what you can bring to the company you start bad mouthing one of the interviewees!!!

Anyway, Airtel [Or whatever name the company was going by at the time] tried it - with a bigger war chest - and failed miserably! I can still remember the [two - three] full page ads!

But this ad has led to increase in orange subscribers, although as secondary obvius if not tertiary...
#32 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 12:45:16 AM
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MaichBlack wrote:
VituVingiSana wrote:
mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?

Seriously @vvs??? They are DIRECTLY attacking Safcom! Or what qualifies as 'offensive' in your book? It's like going for an interview and instead of talking about what you can bring to the company you start bad mouthing one of the interviewees!!!

Anyway, Airtel [Or whatever name the company was going by at the time] tried it - with a bigger war chest - and failed miserably! I can still remember the [two - three] full page ads!
That's a comparison. Is Orange lying? There is nothing offensive in comparing prices/costs. We do that all the time. We have spreadsheets [which are shared] that compare prices of land, rents, investments, shares [PER, P/B, ROE, ROA] so we can make the BEST decision.

Orange is not saying that Safaricom is providing sub-standard service without proof. Orange is using PUBLISHED tariffs that are provided by Safaricom.

And it is choice. You do not have to switch to Orange for cheaper rates. I know many who have 2 lines and have started using their Orange line to call me. I too keep 2 lines. Airtel for cheaper international [including EAC] calls and much cheaper roaming especially within the One Network. I use Safcom for the wide coverage of 3G and M-Pesa.

I want to know if there are deals and ads are a good way to inform me abut them.

Until Airtel brought prices down, Safaricom [the owned by Mobitelea, Vodacom & GoK] was screwing us. I recall how it fought tooth & nail to keep interconnection rates very high. I have paid KES 25/minute for calls. And these were Safcom to Safcom!!!

If Safaricom is the BETTER network, let Orange make all the comparisons. Does it diminish Safaricom?
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett
#33 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 1:09:35 AM
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Murang'a wrote:
MaichBlack wrote:
VituVingiSana wrote:
mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?

Seriously @vvs??? They are DIRECTLY attacking Safcom! Or what qualifies as 'offensive' in your book? It's like going for an interview and instead of talking about what you can bring to the company you start bad mouthing one of the interviewees!!!

Anyway, Airtel [Or whatever name the company was going by at the time] tried it - with a bigger war chest - and failed miserably! I can still remember the [two - three] full page ads!

But this ad has led to increase in orange subscribers, although as secondary obvius if not tertiary...

Oh really? Do u have the numbers?
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#34 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 3:42:36 AM
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The vicious price war damage was a heavy blow. The regulator performed poorly back then. Monkey business indeed...! Did it ever pay corp taxes?

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#35 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 8:21:47 AM
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Yu fought a good fight. came in pinching I mean punching and continued until they were eventually knocked out. airtel has been fighting for many rounds and have lost so much money and time.
The investor's chief problem - and even his worst enemy - is likely to be himself
#36 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 9:13:14 AM
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Sometimes people just want to argue,Go to the market and start criticising what other people are selling in the same market even if its true they will beat you like a burukenge because its offensive.promote what you sell without mentioning mine.
"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."
#37 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 9:41:07 AM
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mlennyma wrote:
Sometimes people just want to argue,Go to the market and start criticising what other people are selling in the same market even if its true they will beat you like a burukenge because its offensive.promote what you sell without mentioning mine.

This happens a lot where there is a dominant player and others playing catch up. You win them over by showing them waht difference you offer from the dominant player. Rem SG vs NMG over newspapers last year?
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#38 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 10:38:13 AM
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murchr wrote:
Murang'a wrote:
MaichBlack wrote:
VituVingiSana wrote:
mlennyma wrote:
Why is the advert only talking about safcom and not acrossboard?are there no other players?
Why is that offensive?

Seriously @vvs??? They are DIRECTLY attacking Safcom! Or what qualifies as 'offensive' in your book? It's like going for an interview and instead of talking about what you can bring to the company you start bad mouthing one of the interviewees!!!

Anyway, Airtel [Or whatever name the company was going by at the time] tried it - with a bigger war chest - and failed miserably! I can still remember the [two - three] full page ads!

But this ad has led to increase in orange subscribers, although as secondary obvius if not tertiary...

Oh really? Do u have the numbers?

You took the words out of my mouth!!! I would also like to see the numbers!

Kenyans are not going to migrate because of Kshs. 1/= a minute difference! They refused to migrate when the difference was bigger, sembuse sasa??
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#39 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:11:55 AM
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VituVingiSana wrote:
That's a comparison. Is Orange lying? There is nothing offensive in comparing prices/costs. We do that all the time. We have spreadsheets [which are shared] that compare prices of land, rents, investments, shares [PER, P/B, ROE, ROA] so we can make the BEST decision.

Orange is not saying that Safaricom is providing sub-standard service without proof. Orange is using PUBLISHED tariffs that are provided by Safaricom.

And it is choice. You do not have to switch to Orange for cheaper rates. I know many who have 2 lines and have started using their Orange line to call me. I too keep 2 lines. Airtel for cheaper international [including EAC] calls and much cheaper roaming especially within the One Network. I use Safcom for the wide coverage of 3G and M-Pesa.

I want to know if there are deals and ads are a good way to inform me abut them.

Until Airtel brought prices down, Safaricom [the owned by Mobitelea, Vodacom & GoK] was screwing us. I recall how it fought tooth & nail to keep interconnection rates very high. I have paid KES 25/minute for calls. And these were Safcom to Safcom!!!

If Safaricom is the BETTER network, let Orange make all the comparisons. Does it diminish Safaricom?

i was of similar opinion, Orange is not out there to beat Safaricom, it can never! It is out there to gain more customers, "secondary customers" as they have been called smile
#40 Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2014 6:00:56 PM
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VituVingiSana wrote:
MaichBlack wrote:
Safcom can afford to buy both the infrastructure and subscribers [prefix] - easy! Why didn't they??? They knew they could get them for free and some of them already have a Safcom line as their primary line anyway! I suspect the subscribers were offered to Airtel AFTER Safcom REFUSED to 'buy' them.

And I don't think it has anything to do with fair competition rules. The two major players ganging up to buy the third major player is worse than the major player buying the third major player. The former might even be characterized as cartel like behaviour!!!
Safaricom cannot buy YU's subscribers since it would be blocked by the Competition Commission since SafCom has 65% of the market.

By giving Airtel the customers, Safcom eliminates a competitor with infrastructure [by buying out the infrastructure], and keeping the Competition authorities off it's back. Buying infrastructure is not 'illegal' but buying customers probably is for Safcom.

The loser is Equity.

Methinks as a country we lost. The current tariff charges are way too high. Mpesa services is pure theft. As a user, I would wish there are many players. Equity should have come on board to try and revolutionise this industry. This is a just a 'Monopoly' although in economics an oligopoly.
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