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#41 Posted : Sunday, October 25, 2009 9:50:00 AM
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In The Warning,veteran FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk unearths the hidden history of the nation's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. At the center of it all he finds Brooksley Born,who speaks for the first time on television about her failed campaign to regulate the secretive,multitrillion-dollar derivatives market whose crash helped trigger the financial collapse in the fall of 2008:

#42 Posted : Monday, October 26, 2009 3:01:00 PM
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Prelude to a mushroom cloud?

'ISLAMABAD,Pakistan &mdash; A suicide bomber attacked a suspected nuclear-weapons site Friday in Pakistan,raising fears about the security of the nuclear arsenal,while two other terrorist blasts made it another bloody day in the country&rsquo;s struggle against extremism.

Increasingly daring and sophisticated attacks by terrorists allied with al Qaida on some of Pakistan&rsquo;s most sensitive and best-protected installations have led to warnings that extremists could damage a nuclear facility or seize nuclear material....'

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#43 Posted : Monday, October 26, 2009 3:24:00 PM
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The Telegraph of the U.K. has shone like a lighthouse over stormy waters. Once again,nuggets of truth are offered to those that seek it.

I will differ with the author in so far as stating that gold should be the investment choice for the intelligent investor.

'What a strange and fascinating commodity gold is &ndash; a store of value that is no one's liability,which cannot be printed or debauched by governments but which,with no income stream,has no objective value. A simultaneous hedge against both deflationary slump and inflationary spiral,it is little wonder gold should be the investment of choice for the Armageddon crowd....'

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#44 Posted : Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:43:00 AM
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Please review the NSE 20 Share Index chart here: http://tinyurl.com/yjhuea9 . I have used trend lines to map out inflection or turning points.

A tug of war between bonds and common stocks has seen the former carry the day as investors are still nursing wounds from the bear market of 2006 - 2009. Fear rules the market with investors concocting a thousand and one reasons not to invest in common stocks. During the bull market heydays,there were a thousand and one reasons to invest in common stocks.

A common valuation metric is the Price-to-Earnings ratio or P/E. This ratio is akin to a pulse rate,swinging from a subdued state at market lows to a racing heartbeat during booms. It captures the amount in earnings per unit invested. The lower the market P/E the greater the discounts on stocks.

At present the market P/E (Price to Earnings) ratio is 12.78,50% lower than that of December 2006 which was 24. Further down memory lane,market P/E ratio in September 2002 was 10.84. Back then,investing in stocks was not the 'in thing'.

A Price to Earnings ratio of 1 - 7 is considered cheap,8 - 14 fair,15 - 21 expensive,+ 21 bubbly.

Interestingly,March 2009's P/E ratio was 7.98. Therefore,the seven ensuing months from the stock market lows of March have provided a Buyers' Paradise to investors. The Great NSE Sale is on!

Our Investment Coaching sessions (catered to individual investors) are dedicated to exploring metrics such as the P/E ratio,crucial in an investor&rsquo;s toolbox. Please inbox me for more information.
#45 Posted : Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:04:00 AM
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'Let China sleep,for when the dragon awakes she will shake the world.' &ndash;Napoleon Bonaparte,1803

China's state owned China National Offshore OIl Corporation (CNOOC) has joined the oil race in Kenya,sinking an exploratory 5km hole in Isiolo at the cost of KShs. 2 billion.

'The global financial crisis has failed to dampen Chinese investment in Africa,a leading state-run newspaper said on Wednesday.

Premier Wen Jiabao heads to Egypt next month for the second China-Africa summit,as China&rsquo;s appetite for raw materials drives African growth.

China portrays itself as a steadfast friend of Africa and has pumped billions of dollars into the continent,especially over the last few years,often by what it calls 'no-strings' loans or aid....'

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#46 Posted : Friday, October 30, 2009 6:02:00 AM
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During this second phase of the 2001 - 2016 gold bull market,institutional money is embracing gold as a hedge against loss of confidence in the financial management of the U.S. and its common stock,the Dollar. The last phase will grip Joe and Jacky Investor in a true global gold rush.

'Gold bugs of the world,unite! You have nothing to lose but your exposure to fiat currencies.

Or so says leading hedgie and Wall Street throw back Paul Tudor Jones,who in his latest missive to investors has gone soft at the knees for the yellow metal:

I have never been a gold bug. It is just an asset that,like everything else in life,has is time and place. And now is that time....'

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#47 Posted : Sunday, November 01, 2009 9:50:00 AM
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a 'LUV'-shaped world economic recovery seems the most acute description in the alphabet soup debate on the shape of the current economic cycle. Stella Dawson,Treasury Correspondent of Thomson Reuters,points to an L-shaped recovery for Western Europe,a U-shaped one for North America and a V-shaped one for the BRICs and Next 11 - all of which bodes well for our current and long-term strategic focus on the new markets of the BRICs and Next 11,the new media and consumer insights.

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#48 Posted : Monday, November 02, 2009 6:11:00 AM
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'Dear CIGAs,

The so called quick surgical bankruptcy of CIT will result in a company that will only be able to provide 20% of its previous level of financial services to Middle America according to Friday&rsquo;s Wall Street Journal.

Any institutions replacing these services will have:

1. Higher levels of credit worthiness to be met by small business.

2. Less funds committed to these loans.

Further,the assets of CIT in bankruptcy are the middle American loans outstanding that will be brutally attacked by the bankruptcy process.

That is going to result in a flood of middle American businesses declaring bankruptcy.'

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CIT Group Files Bankruptcy,Seeks to Cut $10 Billion in Debt

Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) CIT Group Inc.,the 101-year-old commercial lender that saw its funding dry up in the credit crunch,filed for bankruptcy in an effort to cut $10 billion in debt following a failed debt exchange and U.S. taxpayer bailout.

CIT listed $71 billion in assets and $64.9 billion in liabilities in a Chapter 11 petition yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan. The Treasury Department said the government probably won&rsquo;t recover much,if any,of the $2.3 billion in taxpayer money that went to CIT.

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#49 Posted : Tuesday, November 03, 2009 5:17:00 AM
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They that seek green shoots,cast thy eyes onto the commodity sector. Like the wallflower,long ignored by investors,she is being courted aggressively.

During the turn of the century,three major bull markets gripped the United States in sequence. Capital flowed into railroads,blowing a bubble that burst in 1907. It then sought a home in commodities,peaking in 1919 and finally in industrials culminating in the infamous 1929 crash.

This time round,internet companies enjoyed boom times until 2001,then the real estate sector peaked in 2007 and now the commodity sector set to peak in 2015-2016.

Hat tip to Martin Armstrong for his cycle analysis.

'A strong rally in commodity prices could help put Kenya&rsquo;s economy back on the growth path,analysts said even as they warned of persistent risk of imported
inflation from the steady surge in the prices of key imports such as oil.

Kenya&rsquo;s fortunes in the commodities market is particularly tied to the continued strengthening of coffee and tea price that is helping the shilling claw back part of the ground it has ceded to major world currencies in recent months.

That should reduce the country&rsquo;s external debt burden and bring down the cost of imported intermediate goods that are critical to growth of industrial output....'

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#50 Posted : Tuesday, November 03, 2009 5:43:00 PM
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'They&rsquo;re off and away on China&rsquo;s newest rollercoaster ride stock exchange,first soaring up and up &mdash; and then plunging down.

With surprisingly little fanfare but an utter trading frenzy,China on Friday launched its Nasdaq-style stock exchange,the Growth Enterprise Market (yes,really,GEM),also known as ChiNext,in the southern boomtown of Shenzhen.

So intense was the buying that regulators moved to temporarily suspend trading in the shares of all 28-newly listed companies at different times on Friday,as analysts warned about the risks posed by excessive speculation and inflated stock prices....'

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#51 Posted : Wednesday, November 04, 2009 4:26:00 AM
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China's engagement with Africa began in 1956 and has gone up several notches in the last decade. Unlike Europe's scramble for Africa at gunpoint,China's resource grab comes with a chequebook and a handshake.

Beijing has turned its attention inwards,aimed at improving the welfare of its poor citizenry to middle income status by 2020. Commodities that are necessary for infrastructure spending became cheaper with the advent of the financial crisis. Stockpiling and securing supply is the name of the game.

'BEIJING &mdash; China will set the future direction of its burgeoning ties with Africa at a multinational forum in Egypt this month,Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi was quoted as saying on Sunday.

Premier Wen Jiabao plans to attend the Nov. 8-9 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh,Yang said in an interview with the official Xinhua News Agency.

No details were given,but at the last forum in 2006,China pledged to double assistance to Africa by 2009,provide $5 billion in preferential loans and credits,cancel debts and establish a $5 billion fund to encourage Chinese investment....'

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#52 Posted : Wednesday, November 04, 2009 4:37:00 AM
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India's gold reserves constitute 3% of forex reserves against a global average of 10%. The title of the article speaks for itself. The Rise of Asia is afoot.

'India,like China,understands the virtues of gold. This is why they have snapped up 200 tons of gold from the IMF at around $1,045 per ounce or $6.7 billion. The UK does not understand gold,that is why Gordon Brown sold most of the nation&rsquo;s gold in 1999 at virtually the low of $250.

Instead the UK has today spent $51 billion on propping up bankrupt banks. Royal Bank of Scotland received another $41 billion today making it the costliest bailout worldwide with a total of $75 billion. Lloyds Bank received another $10 billion. The US is of course also spending printed money on rescuing bank creditors with 115 bank failures so far in 2009...'

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#53 Posted : Wednesday, November 04, 2009 5:02:00 AM
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The proposes bill to regulate price increases is by and large replacing the intelligence of the free market with that of politicians. Knowing politicians,I prefer the former.

Recall the maize importation scandal when the Hon. Agricultural Minister set a price limit for locally sourced maize at 1,700 per bag only for farmers who had priced in 2,200 and 2,400 to withdraw their crop. The government was then forced to import maize at a cost of 2,700 a bag.

With the second coming of inflation,all retailers and manufacturers will find themselves behind bars. To ward of the tide of inflation from the U.S.,we should have a strong currency. Measures to achieve this are reduction in the budget,trade and therefore current account deficits,mopping up excess local money supply by interest rates.

Price inflation is a consequence of a general increase in money supply. It is not as a result of 'evil' traders out to punish consumers.

'A Bill seeking to bar manufacturers and distributors of consumer goods from arbitrary price increases is to be reintroduced in Parliament when it reopens next week.

The move is aimed at protecting consumers from price-induced inflation.

The prices of most consumer goods have risen sharply,pushing the country&rsquo;s inflation rate hit the roof as manufacturers claim high cost of production and transportation.'

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#54 Posted : Friday, November 06, 2009 5:54:00 AM
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The U.K. Pound has been an underperformer amongst major currencies. The U.K. economy is still deleveraging from a housing bubble,overleveraged financial sector and heavily indebted consumer.

An increase in quantity of money without comensurate economic output lowers the value of the currency in question and increases general price levels.

'(FT) The Bank of England's monetary policy committee voted on Thursday to expand its vast program to pump cash into the UK economy by &pound;25bn ($41bn),in a sign that it remains worried about the outlook in spite of incipient signs of recovery.

As expected,the Bank left interest rates unchanged at 0.5 per cent.

The move to increase 'quantitative easing' creating money in order to boost spending from the existing &pound;175bn used had been widely expected by economists after official figures suggested the UK remained mired in recession in the third quarter....'

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#55 Posted : Friday, November 06, 2009 6:03:00 AM
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Phase 1: secure resources.

Phase 2: develop infrastructure to store,process and transport resources

Phase 3: invest in tertiary products and services aligned with the nation's development

'China is pushing for a greater role in the development of Kenya&rsquo;s infrastructure&mdash; an area with significant untapped potential for Chinese firms,says Zhai Jun,the assistant foreign minister.

He told Business Daily in Beijing,that China has so far invested about US$70 million in Kenya.

'The figure is not very large. We&rsquo;ll continue to encourage the Chinese business community to invest in Kenya in areas such as infrastructure.'

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#56 Posted : Monday, November 09, 2009 5:59:00 AM
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'There is an Arab saying which goes,'Whoever drinks the Nile water is sure to come back again.' Three years ago,right in front of the pyramid by the Nile,I joined people from Egypt and China in celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two countries. Today,returning to this beautiful land imbued with splendid civilization,I feel much at home.' - H.E. Wen Jiabao in his speech in Cairo delivered to the Arab League

SHARM EL-SHEIK,Egypt (AP) China's premier on Sunday pledged $10 billion in new low interest loans to African nations over three years,offering the beleaguered continent sorely needed cash while dismissing criticism that Beijing's motives in Africa are far from altruistic.

Wen Jiabao's promise at the start of a two-day China-Africa summit was warmly received by African leaders and officials,most of whose nations confront a miasma of despair further accentuated by a global financial crisis that is only now showing signs of abating.

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#57 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2009 1:49:00 PM
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This can't be good especially following Jay Z's recent ode to the city titled 'Empire State of Mind'. The chorus is as follows:

In New York,
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
Theres nothing you can&rsquo;t do,
Now you&rsquo;re in New York,
These streets will make you feel brand new,
The lights will inspire you,
Lets here it for New York,New York,New York

'ALBANY (CBS) ? Governor David Paterson called an unusual joint session of the Legislature Monday to implore recalcitrant lawmakers to close the state&rsquo;s huge budget gap before New York runs out of money.

To some lawmakers it&rsquo;s nothing more than a photo op to help Paterson get re-elected. But the governor is dead serious. He said if the Legislature doesn&rsquo;t cut the budget now the state could run out of money by next month.

'We&rsquo;re going to run out of cash in four and a half weeks. We are going to run out of money. Unless we do something about it,(it will) threaten generations,' Paterson said...'

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#58 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2009 4:25:00 PM
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Goldman Sach's CEO Lloyd Blankfein remarked to the Sunday Times that banks are doing 'God's work'. This is too good to pass up.

The Lloyd's Prayer

Our Chairman,
Who Art At Goldman,
Blankfein Be Thy Name.

The Rally's Come.
God's Work Be Done,
We Have No Fear Of Correction.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Gains,
And Bankrupt Our Nearest Competitors,
Just As You Taught Lehman And Bear A Lesson.

And Bring Us Not Under Indictment.
For Thine Is The Treasury,
The House And The Senate
Forever And Ever.

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#59 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 5:09:00 AM
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The San Francisco Hard Assets Investment Conference is a favorite among repeat attendees because they know it's the place for quality investment advice directly from top analysts. This is the opportunity to learn first-hand how to protect every dollar you have by making sure your portfolio is properly positioned.

This FREE conference offers the most comprehensive advice on how to diversify,protect and grow your portfolio with natural resources investments. With over 20 years of assembly,this conference wrote the book on how to provide a valuable experience for metals,commodities and energy investors.

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#60 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 5:59:00 AM
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A tale of two currencies.

The U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner has affirmed his commitment to a (cough,cough) strong dollar (cough,cough). He ought to have a quick glance at the U.S. Dollar Index chart which has been southward bound since March. The market was hoping for Dollar positive statements to emanate from the G20 meeting of finance ministers over the weekend but the communique was lacking in this respect. Statements from banker to the United States i.e. China point towards the latter dropping the Yuan-Dollar peg,enabling the Yuan to rise in value.

Across the pond,Bank of England Govenor Mervin King has taken the Pound to the gallows,backing its weakness and keeping the door open to further quantitave easing or money supply. Mind you,the U.K. is in the midst of the largest bank bailout in history,the rescue of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

Two divergent paths,yet a common destination.

Royal currency extends decline after King's comments


Geithner Affirms Strong Dollar Policy

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