Club SK
Mavuno - Whats up?
Rank: Member Joined: 11/19/2009 Posts: 3,142
tycho wrote:Muriel wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:@Mtu biz, you're right about the Gospel being contrary to the flesh. But everything other thing you've added is so much pro flesh. Otherwise your insistence that the poster implies sexual license, a verdict seemingly expressed by many couldn't be.
The spiritual battles within a teenager don't respect long clothes, or men who don't care about their looks. The battle is too sophisticated. Temptation is whispering in your ear, saying delightful things. And you're there smiling and willing to fall for the seducer. That is, this picture could as well be a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden.
This picture means what you want it to mean, or what an interactive conversation would want it to mean. Ok... So the picture is neutral and any meaning can be derived from it. The picture means what you want it to mean... it is devoid of inherent meaning in and of itself. Sawa, that is the worldview of mr tycho. Everything is relative, no absolutes, lets debate and discuss our way to the truth right ? I don't think that what I've said translates to what you're trying to say. I could hardly take my thoughts to the inconsistency that your argument or claim implies. Like wouldn't the position you are positing imply an absolute relativity? I am only stating that any absolutes are mediated by communication not just between God and the individual, but amongst the 'commuinity'. The absolute that can love the unseen and the seen. If anything, now do you want to imply that you and many here know the absolute even without having the conversation here? I know there are absolutes some very simple e.g. If you get cut, you bleed. The picture could have other meanings but in this context, it had a specific meaning and it was intentionally chosen to communicate its relevant message. It was not a mistake, an 'oops-did-not-mean-that' picture. Nothing could be further from the truth. If I take Mr. Ndung'u's corpse and cut it, won't it also bleed? What entails the perfect communication that you seem to believe in? Again, why does having a specific meaning exclude moments of 'I didn't mean that?' Tycho, brother, if I cut you now will you bleed or not?
Rank: Member Joined: 7/28/2013 Posts: 178
tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:@Mtu biz, you're right about the Gospel being contrary to the flesh. But everything other thing you've added is so much pro flesh. Otherwise your insistence that the poster implies sexual license, a verdict seemingly expressed by many couldn't be.
The spiritual battles within a teenager don't respect long clothes, or men who don't care about their looks. The battle is too sophisticated. Temptation is whispering in your ear, saying delightful things. And you're there smiling and willing to fall for the seducer. That is, this picture could as well be a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden.
This picture means what you want it to mean, or what an interactive conversation would want it to mean. Ok... So the picture is neutral and any meaning can be derived from it. The picture means what you want it to mean... it is devoid of inherent meaning in and of itself. Sawa, that is the worldview of mr tycho. Everything is relative, no absolutes, lets debate and discuss our way to the truth right ? I don't think that what I've said translates to what you're trying to say. I could hardly take my thoughts to the inconsistency that your argument or claim implies. Like wouldn't the position you are positing imply an absolute relativity? I am only stating that any absolutes are mediated by communication not just between God and the individual, but amongst the 'commuinity'. The absolute that can love the unseen and the seen. If anything, now do you want to imply that you and many here know the absolute even without having the conversation here? Please confirm that you want to stand by the words in bold above before i respond. Is this a threat or what? Make your move. Ha ha
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
Muriel wrote:tycho wrote:Muriel wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:@Mtu biz, you're right about the Gospel being contrary to the flesh. But everything other thing you've added is so much pro flesh. Otherwise your insistence that the poster implies sexual license, a verdict seemingly expressed by many couldn't be.
The spiritual battles within a teenager don't respect long clothes, or men who don't care about their looks. The battle is too sophisticated. Temptation is whispering in your ear, saying delightful things. And you're there smiling and willing to fall for the seducer. That is, this picture could as well be a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden.
This picture means what you want it to mean, or what an interactive conversation would want it to mean. Ok... So the picture is neutral and any meaning can be derived from it. The picture means what you want it to mean... it is devoid of inherent meaning in and of itself. Sawa, that is the worldview of mr tycho. Everything is relative, no absolutes, lets debate and discuss our way to the truth right ? I don't think that what I've said translates to what you're trying to say. I could hardly take my thoughts to the inconsistency that your argument or claim implies. Like wouldn't the position you are positing imply an absolute relativity? I am only stating that any absolutes are mediated by communication not just between God and the individual, but amongst the 'commuinity'. The absolute that can love the unseen and the seen. If anything, now do you want to imply that you and many here know the absolute even without having the conversation here? I know there are absolutes some very simple e.g. If you get cut, you bleed. The picture could have other meanings but in this context, it had a specific meaning and it was intentionally chosen to communicate its relevant message. It was not a mistake, an 'oops-did-not-mean-that' picture. Nothing could be further from the truth. If I take Mr. Ndung'u's corpse and cut it, won't it also bleed? What entails the perfect communication that you seem to believe in? Again, why does having a specific meaning exclude moments of 'I didn't mean that?' Tycho, brother, if I cut you now will you bleed or not? Who am I? What am I? Unsheath your sword and cut me if you can.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/19/2009 Posts: 3,142
Mtu Biz wrote:I have no problem with people propagating whatever in whichever way they wish. BUT If you are going to call what you are doing preaching THE Gospel or Teaching and Instructing in righteousness with the bible as the basis then you have to conform to scripture. Why don't people just go ahead and start a 'positive thinking your best life now' religion like Oprah, they can call it MAVUNINSANITY or whatever and have akina Oprah, Joel Osteen , Deepak Chopra and others of this genres content as their scriptures... they can then hypnotize and high five themselves in their seminars and conferences till they are blue in the face.... they can compete with akina tahiti and apple bees in their posters to capture their target audience and stay 'relevant'. Why drag the bible and Jesus the Christ into all this? A teen in 2014 looking for truth is under no illusions about sex physically but is probably lost with regard to sex in its proper context. So you fill a Church with teens drawn by a sexually suggestive poster to then lead them to the way of truth? How? The very nature of the Gospel goes contrary to the flesh in every way.. how then can you use devices of the flesh to lead anyone to the truth of the Gospel? There is no precedent to this in all of scripture nor is it there in church history. Consider this text, 2nd Peter 2 Peter talking about false teachers Quote:17 These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” 20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Yes. If one is one of the sheep, he or she better get used to eating the 'boring' grass. Or bread as it were.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/19/2009 Posts: 3,142
tycho wrote:
Who am I? What am I? Unsheath your sword and cut me if you can.
I don't know who you are or what you are but what I know is that I am sorry. My sincere apologies, sir.
Rank: Member Joined: 9/30/2013 Posts: 659
Muriel wrote:tycho wrote:
Who am I? What am I? Unsheath your sword and cut me if you can.
I don't know who you are or what you are but what I know is that I am sorry. My sincere apologies, sir. Are you guys quoting Shakespeare or 300? If you stay ready, no need to get ready.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/16/2007 Posts: 1,320
tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:@Mtu biz, you're right about the Gospel being contrary to the flesh. But everything other thing you've added is so much pro flesh. Otherwise your insistence that the poster implies sexual license, a verdict seemingly expressed by many couldn't be.
The spiritual battles within a teenager don't respect long clothes, or men who don't care about their looks. The battle is too sophisticated. Temptation is whispering in your ear, saying delightful things. And you're there smiling and willing to fall for the seducer. That is, this picture could as well be a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden.
This picture means what you want it to mean, or what an interactive conversation would want it to mean. Ok... So the picture is neutral and any meaning can be derived from it. The picture means what you want it to mean... it is devoid of inherent meaning in and of itself. Sawa, that is the worldview of mr tycho. Everything is relative, no absolutes, lets debate and discuss our way to the truth right ? I don't think that what I've said translates to what you're trying to say. I could hardly take my thoughts to the inconsistency that your argument or claim implies. Like wouldn't the position you are positing imply an absolute relativity? I am only stating that any absolutes are mediated by communication not just between God and the individual, but amongst the 'commuinity'. The absolute that can love the unseen and the seen. If anything, now do you want to imply that you and many here know the absolute even without having the conversation here? Please confirm that you want to stand by the words in bold above before i respond. Is this a threat or what? Make your move. I need a YES or NO tafadhali. YES you stand by your words in bold above OR NO you don't stand by your words in bold above. Hio tu, then i respond.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/11/2009 Posts: 481
@ Kamwari...Which one are you amongst these ushers of Mavuno? Prince Banya will attend your church if its you on the left  "The longer the fuse the mightier the blast!"
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/20/2007 Posts: 4,432
This is the problem of watching too many naija movies. Folks......Let me the truth. They are movies. There's nothing in that ad that can scare anyone who's honest. If you think righteous ads are with holy men holding a bakora, with long beards to the toes, and taking milk from a cow, then reading the Bible and all its version 100 times, then posting on social media how righteous you are, ....shauri yako. I know we shall meet. For me I'd rather watch game of thrones than go to your funny churches.....all of them. Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:@Mtu biz, you're right about the Gospel being contrary to the flesh. But everything other thing you've added is so much pro flesh. Otherwise your insistence that the poster implies sexual license, a verdict seemingly expressed by many couldn't be.
The spiritual battles within a teenager don't respect long clothes, or men who don't care about their looks. The battle is too sophisticated. Temptation is whispering in your ear, saying delightful things. And you're there smiling and willing to fall for the seducer. That is, this picture could as well be a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden.
This picture means what you want it to mean, or what an interactive conversation would want it to mean. Ok... So the picture is neutral and any meaning can be derived from it. The picture means what you want it to mean... it is devoid of inherent meaning in and of itself. Sawa, that is the worldview of mr tycho. Everything is relative, no absolutes, lets debate and discuss our way to the truth right ? I don't think that what I've said translates to what you're trying to say. I could hardly take my thoughts to the inconsistency that your argument or claim implies. Like wouldn't the position you are positing imply an absolute relativity? I am only stating that any absolutes are mediated by communication not just between God and the individual, but amongst the 'commuinity'. The absolute that can love the unseen and the seen. If anything, now do you want to imply that you and many here know the absolute even without having the conversation here? Please confirm that you want to stand by the words in bold above before i respond. Is this a threat or what? Make your move. I need a YES or NO tafadhali. YES you stand by your words in bold above OR NO you don't stand by your words in bold above. Hio tu, then i respond. Now what style is this? If I wanted to change anything I'd simply press 'edit'. If you have a response make it according to Wazua's rules of engagement. This question you are asking is unnecessary. Or are you planning to say that you don't stand by what you've posted so far? Hahahaha! You are free to excuse yourself with your 'pseudoquestion'.
Rank: Member Joined: 12/18/2007 Posts: 159 Location: Kenya
banyamulenge wrote:@ Kamwari...Which one are you amongst these ushers of Mavuno? Prince Banya will attend your church if its you on the left Mavunonite " This was our theme dress on ' ushering the world ' week ." Admin, Luckily; age will one day transform me into an Elder.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
Muriel wrote:tycho wrote:
Who am I? What am I? Unsheath your sword and cut me if you can.
I don't know who you are or what you are but what I know is that I am sorry. My sincere apologies, sir. Muriel, it's not about apologizing. It's about healing. Positive and loving engagement.
Rank: Member Joined: 10/8/2010 Posts: 763 Location: Intersection
tycho wrote:Muriel, it's not about apologizing. It's about healing. Positive and loving engagement.
while in that loving environment, why don't you just say "yes" to @mtu biz so we can also read what he wants to say? people get asked to confirm things all the time. today you are being stubborn
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
danas10 wrote:tycho wrote:Muriel, it's not about apologizing. It's about healing. Positive and loving engagement.
while in that loving environment, why don't you just say "yes" to @mtu biz so we can also read what he wants to say? people get asked to confirm things all the time. today you are being stubborn Okay. @Mtu biz; I stand by those words in bold.
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/21/2013 Posts: 2,841 Location: Here
Pastor M's interview ongoing on Kiss 100. Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/8/2013 Posts: 2,517
critics, are you happy now Fixed the ad  "😖😡KQ makes money for everyone except the shareholder 😏😏 " overheard in Wazua
Rank: Member Joined: 11/19/2009 Posts: 3,142
danas10 wrote:tycho wrote:Muriel, it's not about apologizing. It's about healing. Positive and loving engagement.
while in that loving environment, why don't you just say "yes" to @mtu biz so we can also read what he wants to say? people get asked to confirm things all the time. today you are being stubborn I can tell when brother is in a foul mood.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/19/2009 Posts: 3,142
Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:Mtu Biz wrote:tycho wrote:@Mtu biz, you're right about the Gospel being contrary to the flesh. But everything other thing you've added is so much pro flesh. Otherwise your insistence that the poster implies sexual license, a verdict seemingly expressed by many couldn't be.
The spiritual battles within a teenager don't respect long clothes, or men who don't care about their looks. The battle is too sophisticated. Temptation is whispering in your ear, saying delightful things. And you're there smiling and willing to fall for the seducer. That is, this picture could as well be a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden.
This picture means what you want it to mean, or what an interactive conversation would want it to mean. Ok... So the picture is neutral and any meaning can be derived from it. The picture means what you want it to mean... it is devoid of inherent meaning in and of itself. Sawa, that is the worldview of mr tycho. Everything is relative, no absolutes, lets debate and discuss our way to the truth right ? I don't think that what I've said translates to what you're trying to say. I could hardly take my thoughts to the inconsistency that your argument or claim implies. Like wouldn't the position you are positing imply an absolute relativity? I am only stating that any absolutes are mediated by communication not just between God and the individual, but amongst the 'commuinity'. The absolute that can love the unseen and the seen. If anything, now do you want to imply that you and many here know the absolute even without having the conversation here? Please confirm that you want to stand by the words in bold above before i respond. Is this a threat or what? Make your move. I need a YES or NO tafadhali. YES you stand by your words in bold above OR NO you don't stand by your words in bold above. Hio tu, then i respond. Forgive brother he can be stubborn at times as sister says. Sometimes, most times, he likes stories. Of course he means yes. I know he Knows your position that it is pro-exclusivity and pro-separateness. Hence, your position, to brother, needs to be tempered with 'community mediation' to allow 'dialogue'. Simply put, 'Sola scriptura' needs to be taken together with tradition and culture. Don't get distracted with his stories then you will be alright.
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/9/2009 Posts: 6,592 Location: Nairobi
Rank: Member Joined: 1/13/2014 Posts: 386 Location: Denmark
I hear a certain pastor in mavuno says there is nothing wrong with homosexuals.. Nani atatusaidia sasa, Museveni? Seeing is believing
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Mavuno - Whats up?
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