Net Revenue --------------- 7.13B vs 5.43B i.e +31%
Gross Profit -------------- 1.45B vs 0.14B i.e +923%
Profit (Loss) Before Tax -- (0.1B) vs (1.6B) +93%
Profit (Loss) Before Tax -- (0.073B) vs (1.11B) +93%
Earning Per Share --------- (0.05) vs (0.72) +93%
Company Outlook:
Better performance in 2nd half (Jan-Jun), but hinges on extension of COMESA safeguards that are to expire by 28th Feb.
Adequate rains experienced may assist in 2nd half.
Company will contain costs to ensure efficiency and sustainability.
Personal Outlook:
PASS! Maybe after the COMESA issue is clear and the GoK is serious on illegal sugar imports!!!!!
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