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earn 100k in a month
#21 Posted : Friday, August 28, 2009 9:17:00 AM
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Joined: 2/25/2009
Posts: 68
is this a plot to publicise ZAIN products,or a scheme to get rich quickly to end more poorer?

Investing is a zero sum game: you either gain or loss
tajiri fulani
#22 Posted : Friday, August 28, 2009 9:11:00 PM
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Joined: 8/27/2009
Posts: 11
Even if its a plot to publisize Zain Products,I urge that you look at the benefits for yourself as an Individual.
Come for a presentation and all you queries will be answered

You can really be funny. Kiraitu Murungi and Moody Awori are Individuals who make millions from MLM. If these financially succesful people
were able to see the goodness of the model and work it for their benefit why shouldnt any other Kenyan do the same. 90% of people in the world arent millionaires becoz instead of grabbing the many opprtunities infront of them daily,they keep waiting for that safe investment. They end up retiring without achieving anything financially. waiting for those pension cheques.
Your attempt to be sarcastic only displays your weakness. You critise without trying to understand. I have repeated severally in this thread that guys come for presentations so that all their questions can be answered and am sure you are not among the hundreds of calls or emails I have received.
Your type survives on bringing down any idea that others have so that your own lack of ideas can be justified.

I challenge you to come for a presentation,and after that,come back to this forum and tell everyone that Pillar is a fraud that wont work.
Otherwise let the ones who want to prosper,go ahead.

To everyone else who hasn't contacted me yet,before you decide that Pillar isn't gonna work for you,come for a presentation and If you don't like what you hear
you are free to go back and continue your life. It wont cost you anything to come for a presentation. But if you dont come theres is a real possibility that in months their will be Pillar Millionaires and you will regret why you didnt make an effort

The ones who have come for presentations were convinced and I believe you will too

You are as Rich as you think you are
#23 Posted : Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:00:00 AM
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Joined: 12/8/2008
Posts: 359
A weak attempt at evasion.

Because I am not sure how you managed to miss my point and at the same time confirm what I am saying all within the same post.

Let me be a little more direct: how much do you make per month from this today? A sincere answer would be preferred.

I was not being sarcastic. I just picked on what you said: 'rich beyond your wildest dreams' and 'earn multiples of 100K per month for the rest of your life'. Surely you must already be doing this! Do not disappoint us.

Unless of course....wacha tu...

Moody and Kiraitu are what they are through MLM? Without supporting facts,that is just an empty statement. However,if Moody invited people for a talk to make 100K a month,many would attend. The reasons are as I outlined in my previous post: he can walk the talk. All I said is I expect you to do the same i.e. display substantial proof. It was free advice and for your own good so do not take it badly.

So why get upset?

Knock yourself out (and others too if you must) with this biz idea.

I will criticize any idea that I think harps on people's struggle with poverty but provides no evidence of the promise.

So 'physician,heal thyself'. Only Jesus was exempted from this rule.

By the way,a pyramid scheme is a business idea too. Just depends on who you ask.
#24 Posted : Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:51:00 AM
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Joined: 10/6/2007
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@ tajirifulani

you are not doing enough to convince us (or may i say me) that you personally makes 100k in a month...

from the way you are failing to itemize substantial proof like @adept pointed out,i am afraid that you are feeling shy to admit that this is another mans' idea you are propagating and in expectation that the poverty-stricken wananchi who are exploring for every opportunity to emancipate themselves from their current state will atleast hear you out and in the process join you bandwagon...

please do yourself a favor by asking this simple question: do i earn the 100k in a month?

if for sure you earn that from the MLM,then walk it and we shall sing along with you... otherwise,you will be pyramiding all alone!

you've heard me..
When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend
tajiri fulani
#25 Posted : Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:00:00 PM
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Joined: 8/27/2009
Posts: 11
@Kamaa and adept

About my personal wealth,I dont have to prove my financial adeptness by flashing bling at guys. (That is how Nigerians[not all] and evangelists you mentioned earlier con us)

I make enough money from my biznes investments,I saw pillars model and I knew it was a winner and in the spirit of brotherhood i shared it here. My target with pillar is to make 1million or more a month. am not yet at 100k but when i get there i will surely let you know
from the responses I have got I believe not all kenyans are scared of making the right move for their futures.

And please just tell me where in Pillars bizness model will someone be conned. If i ask you to buy credit for 500 at 500 and you use the whole 500 at network rates,how have i conned you. (Please be objective)

Yes Pyramids are business models,but just tell me which part of Pillar is Pyramid.

If you critisize objectively it builds you reputation.

You are as Rich as you think you are
#26 Posted : Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:42:00 AM
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Joined: 12/8/2008
Posts: 359
aaaah.....sincerity at last. Now that was not so hard to do was it?

So it turns out you have no personal experience of making 100K from this let alone in multiples? I am shocked! (LOL)

Anyhow,that was all you needed to say. I would rather you tell me I will make 10k per month that you are sure about than promise me 1Billion that you have only seen on a calculator. It is called exaggeration,a very close relative of something else known as deception.

I wish you and the 'hundreds that have called and emailed' (maybe thousands by now) the very best and thanks for doing it in the 'spirit of brotherhood'. Amen!!
Ken K
#27 Posted : Monday, August 31, 2009 3:44:00 PM
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Joined: 10/19/2006
Posts: 84
Not the same bull again.

16M? Zain?

Those two don't sit on the same idea.

Tajiri nonsense.
#28 Posted : Monday, August 31, 2009 4:20:00 PM
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Joined: 7/22/2008
Posts: 2,706
Tajiri fulani,

You are good!!! Keep at it and am sure you will make it in this biashara of yours. Stick to the message like you did in your small exchange with adept. Display confidence and make your presentations lively and believable. All you need is for people to walk out of your presentation feeling like they can do it. You are onto something.

Remember you are a salesman,selling a product. In your next forum and even in your presentations please do not fall into the trap adept got you into. Do not deflate your message by admitting that you are not already making millions. He has excellent advice,walk the talk. People are not attracted to a presentation about the possibility of making 100K a month to hear confessions. They are there because of greed,ambition,hope or whatever it is but all in all a desperate need to get out of their present situation and onto a better one. People want to hear or read hopeful things not to engage in discussions about how things really are which is depressing. (Compare the number of views on this post and the other one you have about what Kenyans want.) They want to fly. Give them wings my friend. It is not your job to remind them of the harsh reality of life down here,they are there because they live in it every day and want to get out. As a salesman it is also not your job to tell the whole truth about your product,your job is to tell only that truth that will make it sell.

As you can see,this business requires a different kind of ethics so dont get it twisted and feel the need to be 100% truthfull. Learn to see and evade getting into situations where you are forced to by sticking to your message of hope and glory and dreams and riches beyond your wildest imaginations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Develop a thick skin,smile,keep it positive and YOU WILL DEFINITELY MAKE IT.

Weusi wa nywele za mshtakiwa zaonyesha ujinga alio nao
#29 Posted : Monday, August 31, 2009 6:48:00 PM
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Joined: 12/10/2008
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Location: Nairobi
@ Tajiri Fulani this is a carrot and stick,you will keep following the carrot but Pillar Technologies are the ones who are going to eat it.

16 Million user was the total number of mobile users in kenya some time back,

Between Dec 2008 and Jun 2009 Zain has had a churn rate of 600,000 subscribers moving from 3-2.4 million. The client base is diminishing fast and could be averaged to loss of 100,000 subsribers per month.

You will need to make sales worth KShs 2 Million at the retailer rate/commission of 5% to make 100k per month.

From a starter pack of KShs 1,000.00 how will you achieve this?

Do not also forget that Merali has also jumped ship remember what happened when he did the same at Uchumi

'If you are not living on the edge,you are taking up too much space'
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#30 Posted : Tuesday, September 01, 2009 10:05:00 AM
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Posts: 384
hehehehe @adept,you have literally and figuratively 'poked holes' ............r u a detective or something?
Men who are occupied in the restoration of health to other men,by the joint exertion of skill and humanity,are above all the great of the earth. They even partake of divinity,since to preserve and renew is almost as noble as to create.VOLTAIRE.
#31 Posted : Tuesday, September 01, 2009 11:52:00 AM
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How much credit does Zain sell in a month? What percentage of this is pillar tartgeting? What is the total number of 'salespeople' are pillar targeting? What market share does pillar require for say even 20 people make 100K each?.........where does postpaid customers come in as salespeople?.......many questions tajiri,good you tried!!!!!

The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated.
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#32 Posted : Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:56:00 PM
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he is a tajiri fulani in dreamland....

you've heard me..
When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend
#33 Posted : Thursday, September 03, 2009 10:13:00 AM
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Posts: 35
wow! u guys have slaughtered tajiri.

@tajiri: concentrate on the less intelligent mkt. SK has sharpened your wit. when i decide to get into the business,i know whom to target.lol

retirement at 40.
#34 Posted : Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:02:00 PM
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Posts: 87
Kijana,Stop day dreaming hahaha i think your way still a sleep....and i can assure you with such dreams you might regret when you wake up! Bure kabisa

The future belongs to those who plan for it
#35 Posted : Friday, September 04, 2009 5:01:00 AM
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@ Tajirifulani,I talked to over 10 people in (my) office who own a Zain line and Alas,none use more than Kshs 500 per month! I guess its true that Chema chajiuza,kibaya chajitembeza.

Randomly insane

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man
#36 Posted : Friday, September 04, 2009 1:47:00 PM
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Yani bado hii thread inaendelea. Tajiri,how much people have you converted so far.

'The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.” William James
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