earn 100k in a month
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2009 Posts: 11
The Telecommunications sector is the fastest growing in Kenya. With the billions the telcoms companys are making,they say that there is still more potential out there.
Well finally a common mwanachi like you and me can own a telcoms company and share in the billions.
This idea is one of a kind never been done anywhere else in the world. They praised Safcom for MPESA,they will praise (Pillar Technologies) for this.
Contact me if you want to earn income in multiples of 100,000 each month for life.
I know it sounds too good to be true,but i will tell you that its not too good,there is alot of work involved and if you are self driven person,you will be making money in days.
This business is for all Kenya. Young and Old. Men and Women.
We keep complaining that we need fincancial empowerment,well here is you chance.
call me on 0738296496 for a presentation
You are as Rich as you think you are
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/19/2008 Posts: 4,268
@Tajiri fulani,
While this sounds enticing,could you tell us what the business is like exactly before we invite you to give us some presentation resembling those of 'safari/vacation/free whatever' we get at the petrol stations after driving all the way to westlands.
Is it m-pesa type,is it call boxes,is it landline services business? You will get more people interested if you give information than trying to be mysterious(the number of views vs the posts should tell you how people view some business mystery in this site)...... I believe you have been here long and have seen how many pyramids-like businesses have been offered here and the sentiments so some more information please.
“Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything,money is handy.” ~ Groucho Marx.............
Rank: Member Joined: 9/13/2006 Posts: 17
Why is this appearing both here and under investments?
This is fishy!!! Please prove me wrong.
'The same sun that melts the wax,hardens the clay' - Niger
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/6/2007 Posts: 1,177 Location: Nairobi - Kenya
@ tajiri fulani lol! kweli wewe ni tajiri fulani... tu'save' pia sisi tuwe matajiri... personally,i don't underestimate your potential... but,i prefer you to be more convincing... just a little bit... i concur @ wendz... give us some more info... you've heard me.. When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend
Rank: Member Joined: 7/29/2008 Posts: 170
I agree with Wendz and Kamaa,i dont think the first 100k plus will find its way into my bank account just by calling you ... be a little generous with info and u'll be surprised at how people will express interest....
Its just me whatever choice you make in life make sure that you can live with it.
Rank: Member Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 134
Well a 100k to my bank count every month? That does tickle my tastebuds and so does everyone else's however dude shade some light on this mysterious buisiness bwana. We all want to smile all the way to the bank dont we?
Rank: Member Joined: 7/7/2008 Posts: 49
Can someone call this guy and find out the facts of this business venture.and let us know.
invest slowly on a monthly basis dont wait till ati u get millions
Rank: Member Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 134
@kamaumash Kenyans still remember Dea with his miracle babies that he offered kenyans so lets hope this is not another Dea Ministry
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
i would rather go to success university which was promising double your offer Ninajua Yote! Meru Holiness
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2009 Posts: 11
Thank you guys for the interest,and for the ones who have called i gurantee you it will be worthwhile. check out this website and for a presentation you can drop by at Anniversary towers mezzanine floor. www.pillartechafrica.comThe biz is 100% legit,fully registered with all the relevant authorities. TO be honest you wont be earning 100k the first month,but in 6months or less depending on your ambitions you can earn more than that. If you are impressed by what you see,dont forget to mention my name and phone number You are as Rich as you think you are
Rank: Member Joined: 10/26/2008 Posts: 380
Network Marketing??
No thanks.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2009 Posts: 11
@ Much Now. I know success university,and I believe in their model,but they have 1 challenge,initial cost of joining.
Not many kawaida kenyans can afford. And its not easy to convince many other kenyans to purchase the products.
For Pillar,the initial cost 1k,is within everyones reach. And the product is used by 16Million +++ kenyans. Pillar is just helping you make money from expenditures that you will make any way.
Look at it this way. Spend 1000 a month on credit and get nothing for it apart from the joy of talking to loved ones
or spend 1000 a month,get the joy of talking to loved ones and stand a chance to earn 100k a month
They are some who are talking of Dea,,any intelligent kenyan shouldnt have fallen for his tricks.
For pillar,the company is a registered limited liability company with all the proper operating licenses from the relevant authorities.
There are people who are millionaires from Tianshi and GNLD while nobody compares them to ptramid schemes.
So each person using his God given intelligence is wellcome for a presentation,after which you will decide if the biz is for you or not,
Just remember you not being convinced doesn't mean other wont become rich from it.
You are as Rich as you think you are
Rank: Member Joined: 8/15/2008 Posts: 84
@Tajiri, Can you explain slowly how one makes 100K from using 1000 per month to call loved ones. Eg what commision do i make for each 1k airtime sold?
Don't sit and wait - look for the next opportunity
Rank: Member Joined: 8/22/2009 Posts: 10
1st combine the two threads so we can be on one page.
2nd change the heading to 'ZAIN MLM' coz that is what it is in a nutshell,
3rd go down on your knees and thank your lucky stars for the free advertising you just did to more than 500 hits and counting... feel free to leave a large tip in the sk cookie jar
Rank: Member Joined: 4/26/2008 Posts: 90
and 4th thank questnet for giving you a model and terminologies e.g. downline etc
Rank: Member Joined: 1/5/2009 Posts: 117 Location: Taehan Minkook.
@tajirifulani,You proposition can and will fly if you work smart on it. the question is,how high? I have gone thru' your website and apparently,it's all about Zain. In order to move faster with the willing,put it in black and white,the number of subscribers on Zain,average daily/monthly airtime sales,the no. of Zap users etc. Just let us have the ultimate figures,the building blocks. When i see my purple,you see it not. when i see my purple, you see it not!
Rank: Member Joined: 8/27/2009 Posts: 11
First let me thank all that have contributed to this thread.
Secondly,the company is up and operational and their are thousands who have already registered and are more enthusiatic about the whole thing more than i could ever be.
Thirdly this is just a business opportunity like any other with its advantages and disadvantages. There is no good thing that comes without a sweat.
Someone mentioned Quest,(I heard of Quest,was asked to join,but i felt their products were to hard for me to personally sell). Pillar products are not strange,you use them evry other day and get nothing in return
Pillar tries to eliminate most of the hurdles that lock out majority of Kenyans from Genuine MLM's. (Prohibitive initial costs)
I am not saying this is the best idea ever,but I gurantee you it is a good Idea that will make anyone willing to try,become rich beyond their wildest dreams.
Just come to anniversary towers and ask for a presentation. If you dont like it,well and good,you go back to your life. If you like it,well and Good,Join us in our path to Richness
And thanks to SK for the platform
You are as Rich as you think you are
Rank: Member Joined: 12/8/2008 Posts: 359
@tajiri fulani
Some word of advice.
During the event I suggest that if nothing else,act the part. You know,the 'rich beyond your wildest dreams' part? If you are inviting me to earn 100K per month. I would expect that you being the 'introducer and driver of the concept' should be making at least 1M per month by now. Sawa?
So make sure you check in for the presentation in a KES 250K suit (and do not forget to mention that you dispose of suits after wearing them twice). Overall,the net worth of your attire for the day bling and all should be a dizzying KES 500K minimum.
I hope to see 2 cars valued at a minimum of KES 15M parked outside. Latest VX and a Range Rover Sport for you to choose when leaving (you will escort attendees just to make sure those who dozed during the presentation finally get the point)
Have a few bodyguards around (not G4S. I mean big guys in suits and dark glasses) that would be ready to do your bidding and throw out any person that attempts to trash the concept.
Give anecdotes of your travels overseas (you do lunch in Dubai at least once every 2 weeks. London and New York are your month-end hangout joints. You have been placed on the list of 2010 space tourists. You will be the first Kenyan to visit the moon. Yes! Dont forget to state how much it cost just to get onto the list. Have your bodyguards assist the people that will lose consciousness on hearing the figures).
Hope you get the point. Unless you want everyone else except you to be 'rich beyond their wildest dreams' (you are that good a person).
Rank: Member Joined: 6/11/2009 Posts: 21
@ adept Isn't that how politicians and tele-evangelists con us?
Disguised Opportunity?
Rank: Member Joined: 12/8/2008 Posts: 359
@RO - Correct. Sorry I left out the 'Halleluya' interjections.
earn 100k in a month
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