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Govt orders that kids be taught in mother tongue
#1 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:45:06 PM
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That class 1-3 should be taught in mother tongue. I believe it's a good move.

#2 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:47:13 PM
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jaggernaut wrote:
That class 1-3 should be taught in mother tongue. I believe it's a good move.


....And in a class that has 20 pupils from 20 different tribes?
#3 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:56:13 PM
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Nothing new.Used to be there for classes 1-3 years back.
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#4 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:58:36 PM
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Sasa shule za Nai and other cosmopolitan towns n cities itakua aje?
#5 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:03:05 PM
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Motomoto wrote:
jaggernaut wrote:
That class 1-3 should be taught in mother tongue. I believe it's a good move.


....And in a class that has 20 pupils from 20 different tribes?

my thoughts exactly. a very stupid move. not thought out at all.
Obi 1 Kanobi
#6 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:17:31 PM
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They can make it a subject, the same way they teach French, and even take it all the way to University.

lakini hii ya class 1-3 in Okuyu, Jeng' etc adds no value. private schools (where every parent who can afford) take their kids will continue teaching their classes in English, offcourse parents with Kids in public schools will feel cheated etc and complain, then Kaimenyi will force private schools to teach in mother tounge, etc.. etc..

Ok, what exactly is the benefit?
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#7 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:21:29 PM
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Obi 1 Kanobi wrote:
They can make it a subject, the same way they teach French, and even take it all the way to University.

lakini hii ya class 1-3 in Okuyu, Jeng' etc adds no value. private schools (where every parent who can afford) take their kids will continue teaching their classes in English, offcourse parents with Kids in public schools will feel cheated etc and complain, then Kaimenyi will force private schools to teach in mother tounge, etc.. etc..

Ok, what exactly is the benefit?

maybe it is the tender for translating all those books into different mother tongues. even the laptops shall have mother tongue softwares.
#8 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:25:03 PM
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With laptops coming "soon", how would they translate

keyboard -
etc? I agree with @Obi, they can make it a subject for the study of the ethnic history, art, science and culture of the local dialect.
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#9 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:26:25 PM
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Hii sasa ni Wazimu!!!
The man who marries a beautiful woman, and the farmer who grows corn by the roadside have the same problem
#10 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7:23:59 PM
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This age group, 5-9 ish, is the BEST time to create a multi-lingual child! Their minds are like sponges and don't question anything. I am of the opposite view. Kindergartens should only teach in English and ALL other languages banned. Re-introduce Swahili as mandatory and 1 local language as optional in Std. 2, once the child has learned to express his / her feelings and opinions properly in 1 language.
This mother-tongue thingy worked for the prior generation as kids were ALREADY 7-8 yrs old prior to school so one needed a bridging language. No longer necessary on a national scale.
#11 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 8:06:37 PM
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children understand concepts better in their vernacular languages. Just because English is universal does not make it best for teaching young children.

#12 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 8:53:06 PM
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So isokei for an Englishman to study in his mother tongue english, a german kid to study in german, a chinese in mandarin etc, but wrong for an okuyo or luo to learn in the language of his forefathers.
#13 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:02:33 PM
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jaggernaut wrote:
So isokei for an Englishman to study in his mother tongue english, a german kid to study in german, a chinese in mandarin etc, but wrong for an okuyo or luo to learn in the language of his forefathers.

With our 43 tribes? let it be restricted to shao schools.
And then what? they will grow up and learn foreign languages.
#14 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:10:00 PM
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Kwani what are parents doing at home? You can't rely on a teacher to teach your kid everything.

I would think this is more so that children in shags (where mother tongue is mostly spoken at home) can understand whats going on in the classroom once they start going to school. If this is not what they are trying to do then good luck with the tribalism we keep talking about.

I watched a Kenyan documentary about a school somewhere in shags. These kids were preparing for KCPE and could barely speak english. The teachers would come to class to teach and they'd mix english, swahili and kikuyu. Terminologies were all over the place, spellings were almost comical and during mock exams they were asking each other the meaning of words that were in the exam paper. When the kids didn't pass KCPE the school admin had the gall to look sad and disappointed. What did they expect? They failed the little kids!!!

#15 Posted : Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:17:17 PM
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The kids are to learn in mother tongue in nursery school, class 1, 2 and 3, which is OK.
#16 Posted : Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:44:13 AM
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Some teachers especially those who grew up Jijini cant speak any vernacular language. Most Kenyans cant even express themselves in Kiswahili properly.

Are these teachers taught how to instruct in their mother tounges when they attend teacher's training colleges ? If not then they are going to have to retrain a lot of teachers.

Enyewe Kenya is a funny place. So many lunatics running the show.
#17 Posted : Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:06:07 AM
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Alba wrote:
Some teachers especially those who grew up Jijini cant speak any vernacular language. Most Kenyans cant even express themselves in Kiswahili properly.

Are these teachers taught how to instruct in their mother tounges when they attend teacher's training colleges ? If not then they are going to have to retrain a lot of teachers.

Enyewe Kenya is a funny place. So many lunatics running the show.

Teachers are not taught all their subjects at TTC
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#18 Posted : Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:09:42 AM
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In the shags, vernacular is still being taught from nursery to class 3 as a subject. Back then, one of our teachers insisted on teaching us in the local language upto class 8!
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Um Sayala
#19 Posted : Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:22:20 AM
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jaggernaut wrote:
So isokei for an Englishman to study in his mother tongue english, a german kid to study in german, a chinese in mandarin etc, but wrong for an okuyo or luo to learn in the language of his forefathers.

A big YES to your question. It is wrong. English, German, Chinese, French are languages that are used upto University. So when they start from nursery there's no problem. we have books in these languages upto highest level.
This one of ours is meant to confuse kids. we have mixed marriages where kids do not have a specific mothertongue, or those that do not understand their own tongue despite having both parents from same community. Again, the shift in class 4 from mothertongue to English will not be easy. I know it was there before, have you asked yourself why it was scrapped?
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#20 Posted : Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:24:26 AM
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At least my kids can express themselves in their mother tongue.
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