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undersea cableopportunites
#1 Posted : Friday, June 19, 2009 8:58:00 AM
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Joined: 1/25/2007
Posts: 39
guys could you pliz advice on the opprtunities that one can take advantage of with the arrival of the fibre optic cable especially for social site owners ur ideas will be highly appreciated. tu jengane wasse

Seq Lu
#2 Posted : Friday, June 19, 2009 10:32:00 AM
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Joined: 1/30/2009
Posts: 164
On my opinion I think once the internet reaches my house,I would want to first block those sites I dont want my kids to visit,How do I approach this.... think of providing support,VAlue adding ...blah..x2

If a man hasn't discovered anything he can die for,then he is not worth living!
They keep moving the cheese

stolen from opensuse forums :)
Mbuga Man
#3 Posted : Friday, June 19, 2009 3:28:00 PM
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Joined: 11/21/2008
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'A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse,another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead.' Ernest Bevin
#4 Posted : Saturday, June 20, 2009 4:05:00 PM
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Joined: 6/7/2008
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Location: Embu
Those sites @mbuga would make your kids to be rapists and child molesters
#5 Posted : Monday, June 22, 2009 9:01:00 AM
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Joined: 6/12/2009
Posts: 96
First @ Seq Lu the fibre will not bring internet to your house.

But back to the main topic... with increased data connectivity,you may upload (affordably) a lot of images concerning your exports (curios,fish,kiondos,horticulture..)

I believe hosting web sites will be cheaper than now...

Media of choice will shift faster from printed matter to electronic format...

The list is endless

Zama za Kengen IPO.... zama za mali
#6 Posted : Friday, June 26, 2009 9:35:00 AM
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Joined: 1/25/2007
Posts: 39
guys i ment opportunities as a site owner to be able to make money off it thru my site am open to any LEGAL ideas

#7 Posted : Monday, June 29, 2009 8:56:00 PM
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Joined: 5/23/2009
Posts: 35
So,the much-hyped fibre optic cables are finally here! I don’t know about you,but I’ve been waiting for them for years… Why? The cables are very likely to change the way the internet is accessed and used in Kenya. The main benefits are going to,eventually,be cheaper and faster access to the internet. This probably means that:

There is going to be a sharp increase in the number of people who access the internet
There exists a big HUGE opportunity to make money online in Kenya and this opportunity shall increase as the number of internet users increases.

So,the big question (apart from reading Like Chapaa regularly – subscribe for free if you haven’t yet) is: how do you make money online? There exists big opportunity,but how do we take advantage of it? What can you do to make money online?

How To Find Profitable Business Models
When thinking of starting a business,any business,the part where most people struggle is the conceptualization of the business model. They don’t know what kind of business to start,what market to target,where the revenues are going to come from and so on. The same applies for web businesses,perhaps even more so. People often do not know what sites to create,or how they are actually going to earn money.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a place where you can go to and study,in detail,successfully employed web business models? Is there any place where you can go to to generate web business ideas?

Yes there is,and it is: www.flippa.com

Flippa is a place where people buy and sell websites. The site has had a lifetime total of USD 24 million in sales so a lot of business gets done there! When you visit the site you will find lots of sites for sale. Obviously,some of them are not worth your time so you need a way to separate the wheat from the chaff,so to speak. You can do it in two ways: click on 'just sold' or 'browse all listings'.

Clicking on 'just sold' will let you view websites that people actually bought. These sites are obviously built on sound web business models as they would not have been bought otherwise. You can click on each site sold to learn more about it and,possibly,why the purchaser paid for and bought it.

Clicking on 'browse all listings' is even better. It lets you see a long list of sites up for sale but not yet sold. The thing to do is to browse through the list and check on the number of bids. If people have actually placed a bid on a particular website,it means that they are prepared to buy it. This probably means that the website in question is built on a good and workable web business model. You can click on each listing to learn more about the website.

Now,this is where things get interesting. Since people genuinely want to sell those websites,they will give all sorts of information about them,including details of how they built them,where they get traffic from,where their revenues come from and so on. Better yet,you can ask questions about specific points and the seller will gladly respond to them. Think of the possibilities: you can learn the ins and outs of a web business and then just duplicate it elsewhere.

Just today,I learnt that you can actually be paid for offering free magazines to your website’s visitors. I sincerely do not know anywhere else where you can learn so much detail about existing businesses for free. It’s a goldmine.

I haven’t even touched on the very hot prospects of buying a web business and running it yourself,or improving it and selling it for HUGE profits. Therefore,stay tuned to this site…subscribe to receive free email updates. Or by RSS.

Have a question? Don’t hesitate to ask!

#8 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 9:23:00 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 3/11/2009
Posts: 42
@moshthepitt........thanks for your input. I went to flippa and like chapaa,but felt a little confused. I think the reason for this is that,i have not come across a purely Kenyan company that is helping its people come up with online businesses. There are too many scams out there. I am aware that we have a lot of good IT companies,but dont they advertise,or is it i who doesnt search?
You seem quite knowleadgeable in this online business stuff,could you know of companies that need online services? and what could be the legal implications?
Thank you.
#9 Posted : Friday, July 03, 2009 7:48:00 PM
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Joined: 5/23/2009
Posts: 35
@Kanyambu Sorry I didn't see this till just now.

I'm assuming by companies that need online services you mean places you can work at? As a freelancer,probably. Correct me if I am wrong.

The good news is that there are lots of such places! Too many to count. Let me draw a distinction between two such 'types' of places relevant to us.
1. Places in Kenya
2. Other places

Such places do exist in Kenya but there are mostly few and far between. I think cold-calling will work better than looking for business that need to hire. For example,you could get a job/gig at places like mamamikes.com,etc. They don't usually advertise though.

If you are looking outside our borders (and why shouldn't you?) there is no shortage of work. Trust me,you can earn more than most well-off Kenyans just by working diligently at online freelancing. And there is a lot of sites where you find such jobs. And I'm talking professional sites where the risk of getting scammed is relatively low. You can find a short list as well as a few freelancing tips here: http://likechapaa.com/20...w-to-get-an-online-job/

What is the legal implication? My friend,I have no idea. Our laws concerning this are grey at best. My take? By all means make your money BUT pay your taxes.

I used to freelance a lot,and I've also hired quite a few freelancers. One thing I noted is that people from India freelancing online are in truckloads - with their broken Indian English and all. It just makes me think - Kenyans could do a better job any day! And now with the fibre cables finally here I hope we wake up and seize this opportunity.

That's precisely why I started www.likechapaa.com - to help our people learn how to do this. I'm no expert but I do earn comfortably online. if you'd like my take on all this maneno,read my site,subscribe for free,or sign up to receive free email updates.

I'm interested by what you said....that you are a little confused. How can I help you out? Tell me so that I can write on it,clarify issues and help you and,hopefully,lots of our fellow country-people.


PS A little riff on avoiding scams: http://likechapaa.com/20...can-avoid-online-scams/

#10 Posted : Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:13:00 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 3/11/2009
Posts: 42
@ moshthepitt,
Hi and thanks for your input. I am beginning to see the light. lemmie go back to like chapaa,read as much and come back with defined questions.
I share your thoughts about India,and i think that our people can do better,if only we work harder.
#11 Posted : Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:54:00 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 1/25/2007
Posts: 39

i must say ur site is a blessin to us who are venturing online for business opportunities. i read one of the articles on the site and something really got my interest the article was by KELVIN he was talking about an application where u get paid to offer free online magazines to members/visitors to our site.how can i can i contact KELVIN for more details on that.

#12 Posted : Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:22:00 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/23/2009
Posts: 35
well,how about trying the 'contact' page on www.likechapaa.com?

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