Githongo did his good part when he acted detective on top kenyans. His appointment would be over politicised and end end up like that of his predecessor.
I do not trust anyone who ate from Moi's plate with joy,and Lumumba was one of them. His last mouthful from Moi before he turned the orator activist was the appointment as secretary to the constitutional review commission. When the president was given three names from which to pick one, he preferred PLO yet the list included an old advisers,Prof Nyasani.
Among the names already mentioned here,I would go for Ahmed. However,out there,can't we get another Kenyan other than the recycled old names. Is it true that the only capable people are only those we have known through the media? Could there be some professionals who have achieved a lot in their respective roles and probably have not been a focus for media attention?
I pray that the KACC advisory board will be open minded and especially look for talent outside the very known fellows to give us someone new to our ears. That person could even be a member of SK. Kinyee and others,the job could be yours,apply.